Album Cover Drafts Album Cover Drafts

Album Cover Drafts

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Album Cover DraftsAlbum Cover Drafts

Page 2: Album Cover Drafts

I created this cover with Photoshop, using original photographs and ideas. However, I don’t think that it looks professional enough to be an actual album cover as I feel that it is very simple, and its layout doesn’t seem aesthetically pleasing in my eye.What I like most about it is the fact that I have selected only the eyes of the band members, which reveals a more personal approach to the audience as the eyes are said to be the windows to someone’s soul. This should make the audience feel more compelled to buy the cover as they would want to get to know what each member is like.I also decided to stick to the colour scheme black and white, as they are neutral tones, and shouldn’t take away the main attraction of the band member’s eyes.

Page 3: Album Cover Drafts

On this cover, I used a full shot of the band. However I have noticed that the image quality here is poor, and so the members aren’t clear to see. This could be a problem for the customer buying the album, as they may think the band lack professionalism.I added the text and edited the pictures using Photoshop. Photoshop allowed me to manipulate the image by cutting it up into the individual band members, and by changing the colour of each section using the Hue tool.I don’t think that this album cover would be a successful one because of the image quality, and its lack of professionalism.

Page 4: Album Cover Drafts

I also created this cover using Adobe Photoshop, using original images. I downloaded the font from, www.dafont.com/ as I think that the font reminds me of photo negatives, which would link to the idea of picture perfect.What I like about this cover is its simplicity, yet it is bold and eye catching.However, I think that I can create a better interpretation of Picture Perfect for their album cover.

Page 5: Album Cover Drafts

This was also created using Adobe Photoshop, with my own original images.What I like most about it is the simplicity yet again, however, I dislike the darkness of it, seeing as it is a new band, I would want the cover to have a fresh look, and not a sinister one.The dark colours can connote mystery and concealment, however I feel that if I chose lighter colours it could connote a fresh start, and a brighter outlook, seeing as they are a new band.

Page 6: Album Cover Drafts

This was also created on Adobe Photoshop, using original images, which was taken whilst watching the band perform.I like the idea of having the Polaroid pictures in as it shows the link to the title Picture Perfect. However, I think that the image is too dark, and doesn’t really represent the band as a whole, as it is only portraying the bass drum.

Page 7: Album Cover Drafts

This is my final album cover design, which I designed on Adobe Photoshop, using original images, and self created images.What I like most about this is yet again the simplicity of the piece, but it captures an audiences attention towards it. By combining the band members with the idea of a Polaroid, it lead me to create this which I shall be using for my Cover as part of a digipak.