Adverts Animal Cruelty/Testing


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Page 2: Adverts

WWF Tiger AdvertThis advert would be aimed at the general public from the age of 16+. This would be to educate people from a fairly young age that animal cruelty is unacceptable as it can make animals extinct. The strategy of the advert is the empathy strategy as it is trying to create empathy so that people stop killing tigers for their body parts to seek comfort and pleasure e.g. having a rug out of a tiger. This advert is quite factual as it is giving some information about how many wild tigers remain in the wild due to them being hunted.

I think this is an effective advert as it sends out a powerful message that due to human fault tigers are becoming endangered as they are constantly being hunted for body parts. The way the advert is set out is also powerful as the colors work together well because they make the “I am not a rug” stand out, and that catches the reader’s eye first.

Page 3: Adverts

Zoo AdvertThis advert would be aimed at the general public to send out a message that Zoos are bad as for the animals they are like prisons because they are being forced to live in the zoos. This advert is using the demonstration strategy as it is demonstrating in one image that Zoos are like prisons for animals.

This is an effective advert because it uses simple colors which don’t over complicate the advert. The colors help send the message out that zoos are bad as the word “Zoo” stands out. Using the handcuffs as the “O’s” in the word zoo is effective because it is saying without words that for animals living in captivity is like living in a prison because they don’t live in the natural habitat that they would live in, in the wild.

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Animal Testing AdvertThis advert is aimed at people who buy cosmetics as it is trying to get across to them that for the pleasure of looking and feeling nice, animals go through a lot of suffering as they are having cosmetics tested on them to make sure they are safe for humans to use. The Strategy of this advert is the empathy strategy as it is trying to pull at people’s emotions and feelings that use cosmetics that animals are going through suffering for their comfort in feeling nice.

This is an effective and powerful advert because it is showing the little puppy as a perfume bottle. That is powerful as it is saying that animals go through suffering and pain having drugs and cosmetics tested on them just to see if they are safe for humans to use. Using the puppy as a perfume is very effective because it is showing that animals even for babies are sent to test labs and are undergoing a lot of suffering having things tested on them.

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Monkey in Circus AdvertThis advert would be aimed at anyone who go to the circus and circus owners as it is showing that animals that are forced to participate in the circus and unhappy, stressed and are almost like in a prison. This advert is using the empathy and demonstration strategy as it is pulling at people’s emotions that they shouldn’t attend circuses because animals are unhappy being forced to take part in them. It is also a demonstration strategy as it is showing that a circus is like a prison for the animals as they are forced to take part in it.

This is an effective advert because it is showing a monkey trapped behind bars in a circus. The close up shot of the monkey behind the bars is effective as it is showing that the monkey is almost living in a prison being forced to be a part in the circus. The use of the dull colors for the bars and background show the mood of the monkey and how it is possibility treated really badly at the circus. The facial expression is also effective because it is showing that monkeys are forced to take part in things they don’t want to just for our amusement. The bold writing that stands out “Animals are not clowns” is effective as it is saying that animals aren’t made to be clowns so they shouldn’t be forced to it either.

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Extinction AdvertThis advert is aimed at people who hunt for Rhinos because they are becoming extinct due to humans constantly hunting for them, and human intervention to help rhinos survive won’t do anything as they are being hunted and killed for their body parts all the time. This advert is using the demonstration strategy to show that hunting for rhinos will eventually cause them to become extinct and human intervention won’t be able to stop it.

This is an effective advert as it is showing that hunting animals constantly, will, eventually lead to extinction. The use of the tools and engineer is effective because it is showing that human intervention won’t fix animals that are being killed off to extinction by other humans for their body parts.