Adrian Ramirez AD 360


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  • 1.Adrian Ramirez AD 360

2. Themes

  • Neon
  • Cosmic
  • Graphic
  • Surrealism

3. Inspiration I am inspired by everyday media, fashion, music, film,and other artist's art. 4. David LaChapelle

  • Photographer/Director
  • Fashion, advertising, and
  • fine art photography
  • Surreal, sexualized, humor

http://www.lachapellestudio.com/ Celebrity Portraits. Collage 1990's-Present 5. Untitled, 2009 foam board, black, white, and neon acrylic paint Untitled, 2009 wood frame, foam board, plexiglass, neon spray paint, found objects (couch and game system)

  • neon
  • repetition
  • surrealism

6. http://leifpodhajsky.com/ Leif Podhajsky

  • connectedness, nature, and
  • psychedelic/altered experience
  • mystical, cosmic, labyrinth, warped
  • Designer/Creative Director
  • Graphic Design, Moving Image
  • album artwork.

Ascension, 2011 mystical, soul, non-physical 7. Graphic Design Course 3D Typographic Posters

  • photos, 3D shapes, and type
  • photoshop and illustrator

8. Wood, black textured spray paint 5Vortex 1, 2011 9. Photo Credit: Nathan AlexanderSpecial Effects: Me Self-Portrait, 2011 10. Cosmic Journey, 2011 Cosmic Art and Car ride found footage Juxtaposing real and unreal together

  • part of Installation piece

11. Kill Bill Title Sequence, 2010 Animated Type and ImagesPhotoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects 12. My work in relation to Contemporary Art I believe that my strong regard for todays media, fashion, and other artist's art is a big reason for my art fitting into contemporary art. Everyday I find myself being bombarded by different ideas and perspectives of Pop Culture. These ideas and perspectives trigger a sense of my work. Yet, I have never understood why todays art is identified asContemporary. I believe art is anything someonefinds appealing without it having to be labeled. 13. Goals and Expectations I am hoping this class helps me improve my skills in the Digital Media art aspect. My first goal is to improve my knowledge in animation and film. These are two topics I wish to improve on because I find them challenging towork with but very fascinating.Secondly I would like to create work that not only pleases an audience in some way but that also pleases me and inspires me to create more. I would like to finish this class with a diverse and engaging set of works.At this moment in my life it is important for me to continueto express myself through my art. My art in relation towhat I am feeling and what captivates me. This is my last semester at UIC and I can honestly say that I have never felt so excited about my future as an artist.