Viana do Castelo3

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Viana do Castelo is a municipality and seat in the Norte Region of Portugal. The urbanized area of the municipality, comprising the city, has a population of approximately 36,148 inhabitants, while the municipality includes 91238 residents.

Viana do Castelo has one of the most skilled ceramic centers of Portugal. The origin of the factory in Viana goes back to 1774.The clay is a thin material; with clay from Alvarães, through which produces mild and delicate pottery, in bright colors and shapes, with motives of plant elements, geometric and human forms, usually in dark blue or sometimes red, as the embroideries in the folk costumes.

The Viana pottery is hand painted and highly appreciated by collectors because of the variety and originality of the forms and decoration. Each piece is carefully hand painted and is only one object painted in the morning will never be the same as another painted afternoon, everything depends on the personality of the artist

Text and pictures: Internet

Copyrights of the photos belong to each photographer

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu

Sound: Amália Rodrigues - Folclore à Guitarra e à Viola (Cana Verde Do Mar; Bailarico Saloio)
