Travel proverbs

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Here is a collection of proverbs about Travel & Journeys. Find more at

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Choose your fellow traveler before you start on your journey. (African Proverb)

A sailor has a sweet heart in every port. (American Proverb)

Every journey gives you its own flavor. (Libyan Proverb)

The journey of the masters is like a wedding feast for the servants.

(African Proverb)

Youth likes to wander. (Irish Proverb)

From long journeys, long lies. (Spanish Proverb)

If you don’t grease the axle, you won’t be able to travel.

(Russian Proverb)

A traveler will not consume all his provisions. (African Proverb)

A tree often transplanted is never loaded with fruit.

(Italian Proverb)

He that travels far knows much.

(English Proverb)

The good sea man is known in bad weather.

(Italian Proverb)

Travel is a gloomy and trying experience. (Japanese Proverb)

The quieter you travel, the farther you will get.

(Russian Proverb)

Who goes and returns makes a good journey.

(French Proverb)

Travel ripens a man. (Iranian Proverb)

Untraveled youths have ever homely wits.

(English Proverb)

One gets to know people during games and on journeys.

(Russian Proverb)

He may lie boldly who comes from afar. (French Proverb)

A lazy traveler makes a long journey.

(American Proverb)

Mecca is not far for him who intends to make the pilgrimage.

(Lebanese Proverb)
