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The Normands (1060 – 1194)  came in Sicily as mercenary knights in help of Byzantines who were trying to conquer again Sicily from Arabs whose internal power was in crisis. But….by 1091 the conquest was completedThe Norman rule was tolerant of the different cultures, and introduced the feudal system, while at the same time expanding throughout Southern Italy. The Cathedral of Monreale, on a hill on the lower slopes of the mountain overlooking Palermo, was the last and most beautiful of the Norman churches built in Sicily, and one of the architectural wonders of the medieval world.  A project of the Norman King William II (1153 - 1166 - 1189 (36)), the huge Cathedral took only 8 years to build (between 1174 and 1182).  Some idea of the richness of the interior mosaics, which cover the entire Cathedral, can be gleaned from the fact that they contain around 2,200 kilos of pure gold!

Normanzii (1060 – 1194) veniţi în Sicilia, condotieri, cavaleri mercenari, pentru a-i ajuta pe bizantini să recucerească Sicilia de la arabi au ocupat întreaga insulă în anul 1091. Domnia normandă a fost tolerantă faţă de toate culturile, a introdus sistemul feudal şi a încercat să cucerească şi alte teritorii din Italia de Sud.

Catedrala din Monreale, construită pe o culme în partea de jos a muntelui cu vedere spre Palermo, a fost ultima şi cea mai frumoasă dintre ctitoriile normande din Sicilia, una dintre minunăţiile arhitectonice ale Evului Mediu.

Construită de Wilhelm al II-lea (1153-1166-1189), urcat pe tron la 12 ani şi mort la 36!!! imensa catedrală a avut nevoie de doar 8 ani pentru a fi ridicată! (între 1174 şi 1182)

Pentru a ne da seama de bogăţia mozaicului din interior e de ajuns să afli că s-au folosit circa 2200 de kilograme de aur curat!

The north portico has two bronze statues from the 1970s; on the left is the Virgin Mary (Madonna dell‘ Accolienza), while on the right is William II offering a model of his cathedral to her by contemporary sculptor Biagio Governali (Corleone) Sub arcadele porticului din partea de nord sunt două statui ale sculptorului din Corleone Biagio Governali, din anii 1970, Fecioara Maria în partea stângă şi Wilhelm al II-lea în partea dreaptă, oferindu-i o machetă a bisericii.

Only one of the eighteen columns is not made of gray granite, the first column on the right of the front entrance, which is made of "cipollina" marble

The roof of the cathedral is made of wood, carved and painted in great detail, and while its style shows a strong Saracen influence the present roof is, in fact, a restored reproduction dating from 1811 when the original roof was severely damaged by fire.

Monreale Cathedral was commissioned by William II (1154-89), the Norman ruler of Sicily, who wished to demonstrate the magnificence of his kingdom and outdo the splendid Palatine Chapel built by his grandfather, Roger II.

Catedrala a fost construită de Wilhelm al II-lea (1154-1189), ultimul domnitor normand al Siciliei, care a dorit să demonstreze măreţia regatului său şi să depăşească splendoarea Capelei Palatine din Palermo construită de bunicul său, Roger II, pe care îl admira.

Famed for its glorious golden mosaics, Monreale Cathedral is perhaps the finest Norman building in Sicily. It was built in the 12th century as part of a grand royal complex a few miles outside of Palermo.

Catedrala din Monreale este una dintre cele mai mari şi frumoase catedrale ale lumii. Biserica a fost întemeiată de către împăratul normand Wilhelm al II-lea, cunoscut drept Wilhelm cel Bun, nepotul lui Roger al II-lea.

Another reason for William's construction of the cathedral was his desire to establish the Roman Catholic church, known as the "Latin" church in those days, as the official church of Sicily. There were still many Orthodox Christians and Muslims in twelfth-century century Sicily, and a number of Jews.

The interior of the church is about a hundred metres long by forty meters wide. There are a total of 130 individual mosaic scenes depicting biblical and other religious events

Monreale Cathedral also houses several royal tombs. That of William II is a white marble work dating from the sixteenth century.

În Catedrală se află şi câteva morminte regale. Cel din marmură albă al regelui Wilhelm II datează din secolul XVI

William's father, King William I "the Bad" lies in the deep-red porphyry tomb which dates from the twelfth century and is, presumably, his original. William II's mother, Margaret of Navarre, is also interred at Monreale. Curiously, so is the heart of King Louis IX of France (Saint Louis). The royal cortege stopped here for a funeral en route to France following Louis' death during the Tunisian Crusade (in 1270) when his less-saintly younger brother, Charles of Anjou, was king of Naples and SicilyTatăl lui Wilhelm II, Wilhelm I cel Rău, zace într-un mormânt din porfir (sec XII) iar mama sa, Margareta de Navarra este şi ea îngropată la Monreale. De asemenea şi inima regelui Franţei Ludovic cel Sfânt, mort în timpul cruciadei în Tunis pe când fratele său Carol era regele Siciliei Imagini Internet

Sound: Roberto Alagna - Vitti 'na Crozza

Text : Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Gabriela Cristescu Internet slide24Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foiş
