Student Reflections: Senegal

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Leadership Africa USA, working with local partners, implemented leadership and skills training to the Casamance Region of Senegal, which was an area in conflict for 25 years. Students reflected on the importance of leadership training in the region through a series of essays.

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Stu de n t R e fle c tio n s

Senega l

Students from the Casamance Region reflect on the importance of leadership

“I am ready, if you agree with me, to lead a fight together to solve all the problems we encounter in our institution.”

-Vincent Mendy

“As a leader I would be able to confront and help resolve many problems that can create terrible violence in our society.”

-Moutsapha Badiane

“We must remember that a leader is an indispensable person for the development of a country or region as he occupies a very important place in the country or region.”

-Ouneissima Alice Noelli Manga

“The leader must have the ability to motivate, involve, boost, guide, inspire, and influence those around him.”

-Awa Ba

“Leadership training in my school has created hope to now have a spirit of negotiation and dialogue.”

-Fatou Badiane Kaken

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