Sri Lanka Galle road, Hikkaduwa

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Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; known as Ceylon before 1972 and as Taprobane among Greeks in ancient times, is an island country in South Asia, located about 31 kilometres (19.3 mi) off the southern coast of India.Eastern and southern coastal line of Sri Lanka was badly damaged by the Tsunami which followed the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake. More than 30,000 people died. Peraliya is a little village, close to Hikkaduwa town by the coastal belt. That day morning, the train from Colombo to Galle was passing this village, when Tsunami waves hit it. Waves were so powerful, that it pushed up the entire train, including the engine and the compartments and throw few meters away. More than 1700 passengers died in this incident. This is considered as the most tragic train accident in world history.

Of plants, trees and animals there are many species. Not among humans, who are all a single species. The division into race begin in our minds. All of us humans belong to the single human kind.

The Marmiyan Buddha Statue has been sculpted by Ven. Rathnapure Nanda Thero with the instructions of Most Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Thero (president- Mahabodi Society of Sri Lanka)

The large Buddha statue was donated by the Japanese Government along with aid to help build the first stages of the coastal defenses on the Galle Road.Tsunami Honganji Vihara is built based on the Bamiyan Buddha statues of Afghanistan, which were destroyed by the Talibans. Today, it stands facing the sea that is a mere couple of hundred meters away, on a platform guarded by lions on all corners, surrounded by a pond, and linked to the land by a small bridge.

The train, known locally as the Queen of the Sea Line, was a regular service train operating between the cities of Colombo and Galle. The route it took runs along the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, and at Telwatta, the line is about 200 metres (660 ft) inland. On Sunday, 26 December 2004, during both the Buddhist full moon holiday and Christmas holiday weekend, it left Colombo shortly after 6:55 A.M. with between 1,000 and 1,500 paid passengers and an unknown number of unpaid passengers

Estimations based on the state of the shoreline and a high-water mark on a nearby building place the tsunami 7.5 to 9 meters above sea level and 2 to 3 meters higher than the top of the train.The estimated death toll was at least 1,700 people, and probably over 2,000, although only approximately 900 bodies were recovered by the authorities, as many were swept out to sea or taken away unofficially by relatives.

Symbolizing the unity of humankind, this replica of Bamiyan Buddha statue is erected at Thelwatta, Peraliya, in memory of the original Bamiyan Buddha statue of Afganistan, a world Heritage Treasure, destroyed by terrorists; and the many Buddhist Viharas and Dagobas destroyed by the tsunami of December 26, 2004

The Hikkaduwa coastline where the tsunami waves caused the devastation which destroyed 24 of the 28 villages in the Seenigama Community. The tsunami memorial is on the site of a mass grave where there are believed to be 800 bodies, This memorial also commemorates the 1800 people who died when the Galle to Colombo train was swept away by a 30 ft wave as it stopped to rescue people stranded in the first wave which had only been 4ft deep.

Fish represent a major source of animal protein in

the Sri Lankan dietDries fish to sell

Buddhist Temple near Hikkadua

Buddhist Temple

near Hikkadua

Text : InternetPictures: Internet Sanda FoişoreanuCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound: Life Of Buddha (Music - Navaguna Gatha)
