Singapore: Let's take a walk1

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Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator Tanglin Road

Orchard Road

Singapore is the world's fourth leading financial centre, and its port is one of the five busiest ports in the world.

Orchard Parade Hotel

Some 5 million people live in Singapore, of whom 2.91 million were born locally. Most are of Chinese, Malay or Indian descent.

With an area of 710 square kilometres, Singapore has one of the highest population densities in the world.

In total, there are about two million trees planted along roadsides, in parks and protected nature areas.

It is no wonder Singapore is known internationally as a Garden City

Without trees, the city would be a harsh landscape of concrete buildings. Trees serve to soften the surroundings, adding beauty and colour to the scenery.

They also offer a welcome respite from the tropical heat and glare, while we are outdoors at work or at play.

In 1963, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew launched Singapore’s first tree-planting campaign, marking the start of efforts to green the city.

The 5-star St. Regis Hotel

Art sculptures in front of the 5-star St. Regis Hotel Anthony Poon (1945-2006)Sense surroundPainted aluminium(specially commissioned for st Regis Hotel in 2006)

Anthony Poon (1945-2006)Sense surroundPainted aluminium

Anthony Poon (1945-2006) was one of the pioneer abstract artists in Singapore best known for his "Wave" series of paintings which he began working on since 1976.

In 1991 he one the Cultural Medallion Award from the Government of Singapore.

Red Ixora flowers are commonly used in Hindu worship, as well as in Indian folk medicine.

Costus pulverulentus. Spiral ginger

Singapore is rich in biodiversity and is home to over 2,900 species of plants, 360 species of birds, 270 species of butterflies, 120 species of reptiles, 75 species of mammals, 25 species of amphibians, and 250 species of hard corals.

Bougainvillea glabra is sometimes referred to as "paper flower" because the bracts are thin and papery

Spider Lily (Hymenocallis lirisome)


Ixora (Santa Rita, Cruz de Malta) is also commonly known as West Indian Jasmine

Almost 50 per cent of Singapore is covered by greenery

Text: InternetPictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Doina Grigoraş

Presentation: Sanda Foiş

Sound Moments of Magic by Fann Wong, Tanya Chua and Elsa LinSingapore's official “millennium song”