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Nigerian self-government requests after World War II led to a series of ephemeral constitutions. The first, in 1945, established provincial legislatures with limited participation of the natives in the government. Through continuous constitutional changes to Nigeria were granted a federal type of government and the provinces were consolidated into three federal states (East, West and North), each with a different level of autonomy. In 1954 Nigeria became a federation and each region given the option to assume the condition of self-government established certain safeguards to the unity of the Federation. In 1957 he was granted autonomy to the regions East and West and the North in 1959.

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Nigerian self-government requests after World War II led to a series of ephemeral constitutions. The first, in 1945, established provincial legislatures with limited participation of the natives in the government. Through continuous constitutional changes to Nigeria were granted a federal type of government and the provinces were consolidated into three federal states (East, West and North), each with a different level of autonomy. In 1954 Nigeria became a federation and each region given the option to assume the condition of self-government established certain safeguards to the unity of the Federation. In 1957 he was granted autonomy to the regions East and West and the North in 1959.

The October 1, 1960 Nigeria became an independent state within the Commonwealth. On October 7, was admitted to the United Nations.



“Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress”


Located 17 km from IKOM, near the border between Nigeria and Cameroon. The fall has seven arms, each of the waterfalls on a cliff offering seven falls. It is part of the Cross River, descending through the rainforest, surrounded by lush greenery, valleys and hills.



Zuma rock 

Zuma Rock is a large monolith, an igneous intrusion composed of gabbro and granodiorite that is located in Niger State, Nigeria. It rises spectacularly immediately north of Nigeria's capital Abuja, along the main road from Abuja to Kaduna, and is sometimes referred to as the "Gateway to Abuja.

Kunta Kinteh Island

Is a river island in the Gambia River, which was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 2003, to contain the remains of the European penetration of Africa from the fifteenth century to the independence of that country. The channel that is navigable by quite a bit, is the first trade route into the West and, later, a basis for the slave trade.

Nekede ZooYou can make a visit to the Nekede Zoo. This is located at the old Nekede in Owerri and is a complex, fully-equipped garden. Visitors can admire here different types of animals, from Ostrich, Lions and Monkeys to Pythons, Guerrillas and Crocodiles.

Abuja National Stadium

The Abuja Stadium is a multipurpose stadium located in the city of Abuja, capital of Nigeria. It serves as headquarters of the Nigeria national football team, and also hosts other social, cultural and religious events in Nigeria.


ParkOld Oyo National Park is one of the national parks of Nigeria, located across northern Oyo State and southern Kwara State, Nigeria. It is rich in plant and animal resources including buffaloes, bushbuck and a variety of birds. The park is easily accessible from southwestern and northwestern Nigeria.

Gashaka-Gumti ParkGashaka-Gumti National Park is located in the mountainous region of north-eastern Nigeria adjacent to the international border with Cameroon, and immediately to the north of Mambilla Plateau.

Yankari National Park

Yankari National Park is a large wildlife park located in the south-central part of Bauchi State, in northeastern Nigeria.Its location in the heartland of the West African savanna makes it a unique way for tourists to watch wildlife in its natural habitat.

Cross River National Park

The Cross River National Park is a national park of Nigeria, located in Cross River State, Nigeria. There are two separate sections, Okwangwo (established 1991) and Oban (established 1988). The park has a total area of about 4,000 km2, most of which consists of primary moist tropical rainforests in the North and Central parts, with mangrove swamps on the coastal zones.

National Park Kamuku

The Kamuku National Park is a Nigerian national park in Kaduna State, Nigeria, with a total area of about 1,120 km². The park has a typical Sudanian Savanna ecology.


National Church of Nigeria

The National Church of Nigeria is the primary Christian place of worship in Nigeria, a country with a substantial Christian population. It is located in Abuja, the capital city. The National Church of Nigeria is an inter-denominational church.

Temple of Aba

Temple town of Aba, Nigeria, located in the outskirts of the city. Is one of the temples built and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Nigerian National Museum is a national museum of Nigeria, located in the city of Lagos. The museum has a notable collection of Nigerian art, including pieces of statuary and carvings and archaeological and ethnographic exhibits.Of note is a terracotta human head from Jemaa (circa 900 to 200 BC), part of the Nok culture.

RESTAURANTSBluCabana Restaurant Spice

S/. 24-50 S/. 35-80

Al Basha Palace The Garden Abuja

S/. 30-110 S/. 45-120


Oxford Hotels Abuja

The Oxford Hotels Abuja is located 5 minutes drive from the center of Abuja and 10 minutes drive from the park Bulet and has facilities for meetings.


S/. 120Double room

S/. 180

Triple room

S/. 210

Tinapa Lakeside Hotel

RoomS/. 110

Double room

S/. 170

Triple room

S/. 230

Protea Hotel Select Emotan Benin City


S/. 180

Double room

S/. 240

Double room

S/. 290


Nigerian cuisine is mainly based on cereals, and other ingredients such as yams and meat, the most popular recently in the north. Nigeria's gastronomy is a rich mixture of traditionally African carbon hydrates such as yams and cassava, as well as vegetable soups made of native green leaves.

Okra soup Okra soup is very traditional in Nigeria and is very economical, making it a good food source and has many vitamins. It is a dish that is made primarily as Okra, which is a very common vegetable in Nigeria and whose taste is very good in this preparation, which will also use beef, dried shrimp, pepper, onion, palm oil and spinach. You see, many vegetables used in this soup, which accounts for many vitamins and also because they are very common to eat vegetables of this kind in Nigeria.

MaafeIt is sometimes called the "peanut stew 'maafe, referring to the ingredient that differentiates this stew other stews.

The meat used to prepare maafe can be lamb, chicken or beef. It is cooked with a sauce made of peanuts and tomatoes.

There is no fixed recipe for maafe, but also meat and sauce, other common ingredients include chicken, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and other leafy vegetables or root crops.

SuyaTheirs is a staple food in Nigeria. The skewers or kabobs looks like. The dish originated in northern Nigeria, among the people of the Hausa tribe.

Theirs is usually prepared with chicken, fish or beef skewered on skewers to cook. However, before threading the meat, seasoned with tankora.

  The tankora is a mixture of dry spices, including ginger, ground peanuts, cayenne, onion powder and paprika.

Moin MoinThe moin moin is a type of pudding originating in Nigeria. It is rich in protein and a staple of Nigerian meals. The invention of the pudding is due to the Yoruba tribe of the Southwest.

The ingredients of the stew are veneers, washed and peeled in advance, a combination of onions and crushed peppers, chilies and usually sweet and spicy red pepper.

Chin chinThe chin chin is a fried snack popular in Nigeria and the rest of West Africa. It is a hard candy and a small donut donut appears that in most cases the fry, but also makes the furnace.

The dough used to prepare chin chin is made with eggs and flour. Veneers also included in some versions. Moreover, those who prefer baking chin chin often include nutmeg for extra flavor.



Ingredients to prepare Cuchi-cuchi

1 dose of vodka. 1 dose of apple liqueur. Third dose of natural orange juice. 1 tablespoon juice horchata. Blue curacao 1 tablespoon ice

Cinzano Wild Everyday

Ingredients to prepare Cinzano

WildCinzano RossoVodkamulberry juicetriple secSprite

Ingredientes para preparar Everyday

Cinzano BiancoCampariVodka


Sip Bar

