New Zealand Birds

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North Island brown kiwi.

Kiwi Birds Wingless BirdsKiwi Birds Wingless BirdsKiwi Birds Wingless BirdsKiwi Birds Wingless Birds

Kiwi Birds Wingless Birds

Side view of mature adult showing characteristic "S" neck. Black swans ...

Black Swan (Cygnus atratus). Taken at Lake Rotorua, New Zealand on November 17th 2001.Black Swan (Cygnus atratus). Taken at Lake Rotorua, New Zealand on November 17th 2001.

Wild Birds - Black-Swans-on the pond at dusk

... Grey teal. Flock in flight showing ventral and dorsal wing view.

Wild Birds - Black-Swans-on the pond at dusk

New Zealand's native pigeon, also known as kererū, kūkū and kūkupa and wood pigeon, is the only disperser of large fruits.

North island kaka nestor meridionalis sepentrionalis parrot bird

Kaka in Flight (endangered)

Feeding peanuts to Kaka parrot

Shining pigeon
