New Years in Las Vegas- Social Media Campaign

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Final Presentation for ADV 420 New Media Driver's License

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1Monday, December 3, 12

Let’s begin by a show of hands... How many of you have been to Las Vegas? Those of you who said yes, why are you not there right this instant?

Imagine, its New Year’s eve. You are free of any responsibilities: no homework, no chores around the house. Don’t you want somewhere fun and exciting to begin the New Year? How about an entire week, in the most exciting city on earth?


2Monday, December 3, 12

Prices are only going up from here


3Monday, December 3, 12

One of the nicest rooms Caesar’s has to offer


4Monday, December 3, 12


Month of December

All-Star Weekend Giveaway

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram

Go Big or Go Home!

5Monday, December 3, 12In order to drum up a larger internet presence for my client, Caesar's Las Vegas, I am proposing an internet campaign promoting the week leading up to New Year's at Cesar's Palace Hotel and Casino. The idea is to create a campaign that integrates use of Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, and Instagram, all in an effort to give away 4 free trips to Vegas and an all-star week-long stay at Caesar's. The package includes tickets to all of Caesar's marquee shows that week, including Celine Dion, Jerry Seinfeld, and the new show, Absinthe, free breakfast at any of the hotel's renowned restaurants, and a $5000 shopping spree at the world famous Caesar's forum. I propose that Caesar's goes big or goes home, because a chance to win a contest like this, especially over New Years and a value of over $15,000, will easily attract widespread social media attention if executed correctly.


Social Media Users

21-39 Age Group

People who want but can’t afford

6Monday, December 3, 12We plan to attract social media users of ages 21-39, although Vegas and Caesar's surely appeals to all ages. 21-39 year olds are very active on social media, and are young enough to desire a trip to a place like Vegas, despite that they might not be able to afford such an elaborate trip. This age group has embraced social media outlets like Pintrest and Instagram in addition to Facebook and Twitter, thus helping to cover as many bases as possible.


Number of Applicants

Tracking Hashtags

Maintain future relationship

Likes, Retweets, Regrams, Pin Boards

7Monday, December 3, 12We will know that the campaign is a success based on the number of applicants participating. We plan to design the campaign in a way that engages multiple social media accounts of each individual users. That is, one will have to like and repost something on Facebook promoting the contest, tweet or retweet using special hashtags, and post on Instagram and Pintrest using the same hashtags. Users will know that the more actively they participate in the contest, the better their chances of winning. Our goal is to raise awareness of Caesar's, especially as THE destination for Vegas travelers, but also to maintain a relationship with contest applicants once the contest is over. Of course, giving away these trips is an investment in hopes of attracting far more travelers who may not have known all that Caesar's has to offer. Because applicants will have followed, liked, and connected themselves to various Caesar's pages, we will be able to continue to raise awareness of our brand.


Contest Page Creation

“Like” Celine Dion, Jerry Seinfeld and Absinthe

Why should you win?

8Monday, December 3, 12On Facebook we plan to create a page that is devoted to the contest itself. We will then require users to like Caesar’s and a variety of other pages, and make postings describing why they should win. They must also like Celine Dion and Jerry Seinfeld’s pages, both of which will be incorporated into promoting the contest by having their pages post about it as well.


Three weeks


“Hashtag of the Day” retweet


9Monday, December 3, 12On Twitter, we will release a new hashtag each day for the three weeks leading up to the contest deadline, and users are invited to retweet each tweet as well as come up with their own to incorporate the theme of the day, with the hashtag “#CaesarsforNewYears” included each day as well.


Follow @CaesarsForNewYears

“Like” Competition

“Hashtag of the Day”

Re Grams

10Monday, December 3, 12On Instagram users will compete for likes and comments on their photos, and will have to incorporate the day’s hashtags. We will also send out an Instagram each day promoting the contest, which we will invite participants to send out to their followers as well.


Unique Pin board


“Perfect” trip to Vegas

What do you want most?

11Monday, December 3, 12On Pintrest participants will create pinboards of their dream trip to Vegas, including these hashtags and inviting creative ways to incorporate what they want most out of their trip. The more activity - including postings as well as reactions from other users to their postings (think Klout score) - that we see from any individual user, the better their chances of winning.



Three Week Plan

$75,000 in hourly fees

$30,000 retainer fee

$30,000 incentive for 100,000+ applicants

12Monday, December 3, 12This contest will prove expensive. Caesar’s will be paying for airfare, lodging, food, tickets to shows, and the shopping spree. This, of course, is in addition to what they will be paying me. In order to run this competition, there will be many hours spent planning and executing it in order to make it a success. We plan to charge on an hourly basis, with incentivized goals if the campaign reaches the levels of attention that we hope to garner. We charge our clients roughly $300/hr, in addition to other employees that will be working on the case. Since the event will run for three weeks leading up to the week before New Years, we will be charging roughly $75,000 in hourly fees, a $30,000 retainer, and an additional $30,000 incentive if we can attract at least 100,000 applicants. This will likely happen, and thus we predict Caesar’s will spend well over $150,000 on this campaign



Best Hotel in Vegas for One Week

Celine Dion, Jerry Seinfeld, Absinthe

$5000 Shopping Spree at Caesar’s Forum


13Monday, December 3, 12

Let the fun begin!!!
