National park presentation 2011 2012

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Fundação Fórmula Cultural




The inclusion of people according local reality and needs of National ParksProfessional qualification through the recognition of natural and immaterial values


To record in image bank, in the second edition, the actual status of conservation of Brazilian National Parks, its fauna, flora, vegetation, communities, cultures and local traditions. The image is presented in digital support and reproduced in quantity to be donated to Educational and Cultural Departments of States and Cities wich will redirect to local schools surrounding the national park and other regions.

Unities of documentary will also donate to research and cultural centers and NGOs. The project is already presented by own website WWW.NATIONALPARK.ORG.BR. The first edition of project included the PantanalNational Park (MT) and Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park (GO). It was institutionally supported by ICMBio –Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation. Now this entity is looking for financial support to continue the images researches of national park including an important cultural/social activity with local communities.

Now the project’s purpose will serve as research source, discussion and contemplation. During the Formula Cultural’s staff passing through the park it wil be reference for workshops with younger and students focused in:

* To register the natural and immaterial culture memory;* To encourage the search for its origins through research, interviews, contemplation, reasoning, insight, creativity,

folklore, culture

* Recognition of their cultural values .

* To awake to the importance of national park setting people in their communities

To attend the local professional needs such as cultural producers, specialized guides, environmental agents, biologists, among many others.

* To encourage and transmit the information to other Brazilian communities through the audiovisual, photograph, internet and digital interaction; Local younger as new information promoter; * Professional qualification skill.

Local reality

The national parks are some of the few areas that still preserve its’ vegetation and original characteristics and it’s fundamental to keep a vigilance about how the governments and communities are dealing with this matter. These areas do not have enough governmental budgets for maintenance and management and at the same time, the surrounding population has the right to survive. It causes unbalance in the environment. Registering emotions from a humans’ point of view: happiness, surprise, sadness, distaste, contemplation, tiredness, will be a way to show the environment. The conflicts between the agricultural culture – sugar cane, wheat, and soy for consuming and exporting, grows through all Brazilian territory from the Amazons to the Rio Grande do Sul; the population for its’ rights for surviving and the environmental preservation made the Formula Cultural Foundation take an initiative to pursue the population into this challenge. The Brazilian population does not have a high education and discernment level, and that’s why the usage of images is an important tool for the understanding and starting of the individuals’ action, in which the sustainability matter is not generating results. The population have to be capable to understand that nature’s preservation is also the generation of money for their subsistence.



Target and power of image

1) Students and young people

With books and theoretical methodsLow reading rateMindlessness in the reading and explanationAssimilation of the information as apprenticeship onlyThe information was maintained in somebody else's universe

With imagesEntertainment powerImmediate reactionAssimilation of the information with strong personal identification It transported the information and the problems for his personal universe

2) Local communitiesEnvironmental educationConsciousnessQualification

3) VisitorsTourism as economic activityTourist and local people greedy to being well-informed about the region Information about history, culture of the people, the natural beauties, riches Cultural integration.

General objectives1. Consciousness of values

Stimulate young students to change their mind about the environment and make clear the importance to preserve the Brazilian Nature; Help to boost the self-esteem of the local population, by getting them involved in the work, building awareness to preserve and add value to their wealth for present and future generations.

2. Image bank and memoryTo create a image data bank of Brazilian National Parks, its nature and native also.; Preserve the original images from national park areas before the climate changes.

3. EducationTo become a sub-material for studies in schools, colleges and educational centers as references of biologic, geographic, landscapes and communities characteristics and its differences as well;To become a content to the Distance Learning System in the educational and cultural actions with the new technologies that becomes stands out; To make possible to access the information through the internet and digital media.

4. Environmental protection and sustainabilityTo provide the lack of Brazilian National Parks contents in opposite to American, Australian and other foreign documentaries that shows outside the Brazilians students’ reality and language; To present the Brazilian natural, historic and humanity heritage;To increase the tourism activity;To stimulate the sustainable development and not predatory

5. World Natural Heritage of UNESCOFernando de Noronha Marine National Park Pernambuco State Iguaçu National Park Paraná State Superagui National Park Paraná StateJahu National Park Amazonas StateSerra da Capivara Nationa Park Piaui StatePantanal National Park Mato Grosso State (in first edition of Blu Ray Disc)Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park Goiás State (in first edition of Blu Ray Disc

Specific objectives

1. Documentary+ website + virtual communities - PRONAC 08-2749Presented in Blu ray Disc with 30 minutes of program. The content is from two national parks in each title of Blu ray Disc. Reproduction of 2,000 copies of each title; Internet portal and social networks to the dissemination of the project as well.

2. Audiovisual / computer / internet workshopsWorkshops will be taught by professional audiovisual and information technology during the traveling of the team at the national park. Activities:AUDIOVISUAL - Perception of their values / Introduction to screenplay/ Research / Notions of framing in photography and video / Editing;COMPUTER AND INTERNET - Conversion and transfer of files / Publishing and updating content / Interactivity in social networking / security and care using the world wide web

3. Lectures - Welcome Professor!Also during the passage of the Cultural Formula team, other professionals and local entities will be invited to collaborate and stimulate young people to a professional qualification such as the meteorologist, environmental agent, agronomist and professor ; researcher, biologist, the artisan, artist, tour guide, the brigadier, among others. The tasks will be performed based on experimental and practical activities and will focus on: The choice of occupation / study and qualifications / dedication to work / compensation / overcome difficulties / its importance in that context.

4. Digital cultural exchangeOnce stimulated awareness, discovery and production, is essential to share and transmit information to other individuals and communities. The information will be transmitted through the websites and virtual communities that will serve as pilot for the initial activities for young people. The internet activity will encourage them to share experiences, cultural and natural facts produced by themselves. Integration and information exchange between young people and cultures from other regions of Brazil. Virtual spaces are Portal, Orkut, Twitter, Flickr and Blog..

How to know the beneficiary people

Talking and hearing directly from local participants, the witness, history , the limits of their knowledge and skills of discernment and transmission will be the start of proposed activities.As an example we can comment about local communities in the Cerrado. Many are direct descendants of Brazilian Indians and African communities. With the advance of colonial conquest of the Brazilian lands were forced to fit into the interior of the country. Later and more recently, at the time of World War II, the discovery of large amount of metals and crystals, that was widely used in the production of military radars, the miners workers brought their families and established in the savanna in Goiás. With the end of World conflict and the current efforts in environmental conservation, local communities were forced to adapt to this evolution.


Why to do it * Comprehension and understanding’s needs

It is proved that the information assimilation through the use of image shows immediate results . A good image provide attention and entertainment.

* Recognition own concepts and values’s needs

The recognition of the concepts and values of their origins, traditions, histories, cultures and natural resources of the universe where they belong, surround of National Parks, in the current global movement for environmental protection against the effects of global warming, are extremally important for enhancement of self-esteem of local people.

•Perception of the intrinsic values of their cultures

To detect its values by encouraging curiosity, inquiry, research, the pursuit of knowledge in the most simple details of customs, traditions and the actions and reactions of nature around you.

* Expression and information and knowledge transfer

To encourage creativity and cultural sensitibiliy through expression of audiovisual, photography and experiment.

* Self-esteem and productive capacities

To encourage initiative and capacity in any economic potential activity in the region.

Potential effects of social purpose

Not at all national parks are open to the public, which requires infrastructure for reception, accommodation, meals, guide monitored and other needs. The parks that possess it, causes a local community organization providing a new reality of work and income, but still lacking in many concepts such as knowledge about their history, traditions, cultures, knowledge and memory. Other parks were capable to create a new history such as the National Park of Serra da Capivara, which has the most important archaeological sites of American human race. It has changed the concepts of its origin in our continent. Today, this reality provided to local community to create from this feature, their pottery decorated with cave inscriptions, even reaching the international market. The national parks are now major allies in developing their local communities and needs more attention in our actions for its evolution adding a important legacy to the local and all Brazilian culture . In addition we have the Federal Government program to promote and structure the National Parks to receive tourists from all over the world during the World Games.

The entity and relationship with the base communities

The entity is a partner of ICMBio - Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation - responsible department for the national parks management. Formula Cultural receives logistic and technical support about conservation programs, environmental education for tourists and history of creation as a conservation unit. In addition to the condition of Federal Public Utility, Formula Cultural Foundation allows to establish agreements and partnerships with local communities and public administration.


2. Field work

• Researches in collection of local institutes, universities, libraries and NGOs and social actions, besides journalists of the region;

• Visit to the communities around the Parks as the fishermen, farmers, craftsmen, hiding-places, tribes and

• others

3. Capture images of

• Fauna and flora;• Water sides (rivers, lakes, waterfalls, sea)• Touristic and historical places;• Archaeological sieges;• Local communities and around it;• Local festivities;• Personal routine activities in the context

4. Collecting testimonies

• Volunteers• Environmental agents • Representatives of the communities• Tourist guides as agent for propagate the information• Professionals of more several activities• Local residents• And other characters of the region who illustrate the culture, customs, the

history and his relation with the environment where they live



The execution of this project is based on the principle that, to develop a region and preserve its natural and cultural heritage, it is necessary to develop sensitivity and awareness of the people about this need. The project is proposed so we may awaken the attention of society about the sustainable development of the region through qualifying communication. It shall present the region in a global fashion, both for tourists and researchers but also for the local community.

a) Documentary1. Definition of the areas

Together with the ICMBio - Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, federal department responsible for the administration of the National Parks through Term of Technical Cooperation. It is based ongovernment programs such as tourism increase according to:

•Plans of Handling that aim to open the parks to the public visitation; •Necessity of register in images of the current conditions of the region and his communities; •Special attention to the areas that preserve the river springs of important hydrographic basins as an important way of economical, cultural and tourist activity in the communities around it

5. Team Work

• Pre-production• Production• Editing• Support• Spread and distribution• Sustainability

b) Workshop

During the staff’s traveling they will spent 5 days working with local communities. Local professionals will be invited to talk about own experience and activity

This action expect to stimulate the young curiosity who will make their future and it will be focused in:

•Education •Culture and tradition •Environmental preserve•Self-awareness•Self-esteem•Professional future


Benefits of projectIn addition to tax benefits we also comment:


• Initiation to audiovisual techniques as expression tool in recognizing process of own culture and communities;

• Local communities, cultures, folklore surround de parks as follow:Center West scrubland = Africans communities and e ex-prospectorsNorth and Center West forests and swampland = Africans, mullatos and Indians fishersNortheast and southeast Atlantic forests = Africans communities, subsistence agricultureSouth canyons = European influence

• Development of new digital support

Social and sustainable

• Migration from past exploration and extractives activities to actual sustainable economies as tourism, handcrafts and others and its benefits or difficulties

• Access to public medic, telephone, energy, internet sevices and its benefits or difficulties


• Base of studies and discussion about Brazilian areas;• Base of comparative information between fauna, flora, releaf map, vegetaion,,

landscapes, hydrographic caracteristcs, biology, geology, climatic and other;• The experience of professionals as inspiration for young people’s carrier from

local communities


• Collect image bank from actual national parks preservation stage• Comparative information about critical situation as ilegal hunting, Consultas e

comparativos em situações críticas de caça, destruction of trees, fire or reforestation and sustainable management.


Environmental preservation

• Local characteristics able to enrich the population self esteem and make them conscious about heritage and its importance.

• It demonstrate how these enrichment can purpose them proceeds through the culture, history, festivities, art crafts and tourism.


• The actual image bank can be compare to old inscription in the rocks; to monuments relief and, illustrations of castles that show us all world evolution history.

• The registration about these areas is an important example for what happened to Incas and Aztecs civilization. Researchers are not sure about how they disappeared: the European attacks, any serious disease which killed the people or the devastation of natural resources.


• To register information about our national parks we guaranty one of the most important treasures: our memory.

• When we guaranty and put together the species databank with image databank and its culture and history we built a live museum to visit, contemplation and knowledge about our civilization.

The World Cup2014

• The international games will be one of the most important opportunity of Brazil’s demonstration and opening to the world.

• The international games are one of the unique opportunity when enemies can get together.

• The most important mote of preparing process to the event will focus sustainable concepts.

• The Brazil’s mote after Eco 92 make the countries look for the world with “three eyes”: the first one in the technology, the second in the society and the third one in the environment.


ADVANTAGES TO SPONSORS/DONORS (to comercial companies)

1) 14001 Certification

Important material for ISO 14001 certification of Environmental Management Systems for disclosure of the corporate posture taken up by the company

2) Tax and Accounting

Reduction in the tax paid on the result, through tax deductions resulting respectively from the sponsorship of projects benefited by the Rouanet Law of Incentive to Culture - Law No. 8,313, and donation to an institution which has been declared of federal public utility - Law No. 9,249/95.

3) Marketing

Exposure of the brand and investment with greater added value and the right to use images in publicity actions and international sports event in 2014 and 2016



Institutional support:


For more information contact Formula Cultural Foundation team:

E-mail :

Site :


It’s coordinate by the same teamwork responsible for the first Bluray edition with Pantanal National Park atMato Grosso State and Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park at Goiás State. It already has recognized as thefirst Brazilian Bluray produced with national content (before limited only to musicals and foreign movies). It isspread through the links where demonstrates short content of the project:


TOTAL GRANTS – 2011/2012

Pronac 110.559 – Edição Florestas ou Caatinga (Norte e Nordeste)..... R$ 258.932,00

Pronac 110.651 – Edição Mata Atlântica .................................................. R$ 241.582,00

AMOUNT REQUESTED: 50% of total grants

Pronac 110.559 – Edição Florestas ou Caatinga (Norte e Nordeste)....... R$ 129.466,00

Pronac 110.651 – Edição Mata Atlântica .................................................... R$ 120.791,00


1) RS - Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe 2) RS/SC - Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra 3) SC - Parque Nacional de São Joaquim 4) RS - Parque Nacional da Serra Geral 5) SC - Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí 6) SC - Parque Nacional das Araucárias 7) PR - Parque Nacional Superagüi 8) PR - Parque Nacional Saint-Hilaire/Lange 9) PR - Parque Nacional Campos Gerais 10) PR - Parque Nacional de Iguaçu 11) PR - Parque Nacional de Ilha Grande 12) SP/RJ - Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina 13) RJ - Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos 14) RJ/MG - Parque Nacional de Itatiaia 15) RJ - Parque Nacional da Tijuca 16) RJ - Parque Nacional Restinga de Jurubatiba 17) MG/ES - Parque Nacional do Caparaó 18) ES - Parque Nacional Pontões Capixabas 19) MG - Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra 20) MG - Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó 21) MG - Parque Nacional das Sempre-Vivas 22) MG - Parque Nacional Cavernas do Peruaçu 23) MG - Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas 24) BA - Parque Nacional Marinho de Abrolhos 25) BA - Parque Nacional do Descobrimento 26) BA - Parque Nacional Monte Pascoal 27) BA - Parque Nacional do Pau-Brasil 28) BA - Parque Nacional Chapada Diamantina 29) SE - Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana 30) PE - Parque Nacional do Catimbau 31) PE - Parque Nacional Marinho de Fernando de Noronha 32) CE - Parque Nacional de Jericoacoara 33) CE - Parque Nacional de Ubajara 34) PI - Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades 35) PI - Parque Nacional da Serra Capivara 36) PI - Parque Nacional Serra das Confusões 37) MA - Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses 38) MA - Parque Nacional da Chapada das Mesas 39) PI/MA/TO - Parque Nacional das Nascentes do Rio Parnaíba 40) TO - Parque Nacional do Araguaia 41) DF - Parque Nacional de Brasília 42) GO - Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros (in the first edition of Bluray Disc)43) GO - Parque Nacional das Emas 44) MS - Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena 45) MT - Parque Nacional do Pantanal Matogrossense (in the first edition of Bluray Disc)46) MT - Parque Nacional Chapada dos Guiamrães 47) RO - Parque Nacional Pacaás Novos 48) RO - Parque Nacional da Serra da Cutia 49) AM - Parque Nacional Campos Amazônicos 50) AC - Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor 51) AM- Parque Nacional do Jaú 52) AM- Parque Nacional do Pico da Neblina 53) RR - Parque Nacional do Viruá 54) RR - Parque Nacional da Serra da Mocidade 55) RR - Parque Nacional do Monte Roraima 56) AP - Parque Nacional do Cabo Orange 57) AP/PA - Parque Nacional Montanhas do Tumucumaque 58) PA - Parque Nacional da Amazônia 59) MT - Parque Nacional do Juruena 60) PA - Parque Nacional do Jamaxim 61) PA - Parque Nacional do Rio Novo 62) PA - Parque Nacional da Serra do Pardo






Blu Ray Disc Art of Nature National Park(1ª. Edition)






Virtual communities




Media visibility

In the Bookstore
