March 2013

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1 Meets

2 2013 jobs


3 Spruce Up Squad

4 EB marshals

5 Open mic

MeetsWed 29 May, Old Town

Wed 31 July, where?

End Sep, where?

End Nov, where?

Mid Dec, Xmas drinks

Jobs we're doing...Re-open Martel lo Tower

Spruce Up Squad

EB marshals

Monthly updates from council on key jobs

More 'young people' in Eastbourne Can

Followers are doing...Rebrand Eastbourne

Seaside boost

Re-open Camera Obscura

Vital Few

Stil l left...Better signage around town

Small business financing

Cheaper train/ hotel for Londoners

Proper user testing of Visit Eastbourne website

Council poster budget should champion great design

Trails around town

More for kids on seafront

Better name for Terminus Road

More cash machines on seafront

Replace blown bulbs on the pier

Stil l left...Support Javelin trains in EB

Support A27 upgrade

Pedestrianise Litt le Chelsea

More bike paths/ racks

Paving push

Town maps for indy stores/ cafes

Station forecourt as 'homepage' for the town

Loyalty cardor similar


More cashmobs (eg Curzon?)

Mobil ity F1

Mud wrestl ing

Spruce Up Squad

Spruce Up Squad

Spruce Up Squad

EB marshals

Open mic