Learn how your hotel can lower its operating costs and boost revenue with these simple steps

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How Your Hotel Can Cut Costs

With A Few Simple Measures


Revenue generation is what keeps any business running and hospitality is definitely no exception. With OTA commissions becoming increasingly stifling and competition escalating rapidly, hotels are constantly looking for new ways to boost their bottom-line.


Every element of each department will need to be scrutinized from the perspective of lowering costs. While this may sound complicated, unfavorable practices for individual items are usually simple to rectify.

Proper Budget Management

Real-time communication between housekeepers and the front-desk could enable employees to strategically allot their time based on priority, as well as receive information about impromptu tasks.

Inter-departmental Coordination

Automate tasks ranging from auto-population of reservations to night auditing. This saves time for employees, enabling them to get more done sooner and saves the hotel money.

Automation of Tasks

Employee turnover is terrible at hotels – while there’s nothing that can be done about that, properties can lower their training costs by utilizing training videos to bring new employees up-to-speed.

Training Videos

OTA commissions are big but their exposure is necessary. Having said that, avoid registering on OTAs that focus more on regions where your property’s brand is already well-established.

Monitor OTA Sales

Channel Manager
