Kenya finished

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Created byMr. Raponi


A Deep Hole


__________________ cuts a deep gash through the countries of east Africa.

In places, the valley’s sides are about a mile high.

In some areas, he valley floor is more

than ____________ wide and was created when the Earth’s crust separated millions of years ago.

The Great Rift Valley

The Land

Kenya’s land area of 219,960 square miles makes it slightly smaller than the state of


The _________________ borders Kenya on the east.

Not far off shore is a coral reef.

________________- A hard

rocklike material made of the skeletons of small sea animals.

________________- A narrow ridge of coral, rock, or sand at or near the water’s surface.


20 miles inland, there is

a vast _____________ area

that covers __________ of Kenya.

Bushes, shrubs, and low trees thrive in the plains. Few people make their homes here.

Many animals roam these plains. The animals include antelope, elephants, giraffes, lions, and zebras.


Southwestern Kenya is a highlands area that is made up of mountains, valleys, and plateaus.

This region is home to

___________ of Kenya’s people.

The Great Rift Valley

___________________ (a crack in the Earth), divides Kenya into east side and west side.

_________________, Kenya’s highest mountain rises up 17, 057 feet.

Millions of Years From Now

The Economyof Kenya

Kenya has a developing economy based on


The chief economic activity is

farming and about _________ of Kenya’s farm products are subsistence food crops.

Kenyans grow corn, bananas, beans, and cassava.

Coffee and tea are also major exports.


Although Kenya has no major mineral deposits to develop, the government has encouraged the growth of manufacturing. Kenyans produce, Cement Light Machinery Household Appliances

_______________ also adds to Kenya’s treasury. Thousands of tourists visit Kenya each year to go on safaris.

Tourism in Kenya


Why would you think that it is important for the people of Kenya to protect the wildlife that live there?

If the animals went away, what major problems would they face?

Impact of thePast

______________ years ago, people from other parts of Africa began moving into Kenya.

In the A.D. 700s, Arabs from the Middle East set up trading settlements along Kenya’s coast.

Some of these Arabs married Africans, and from these marriages came a new ethnicity,


Kenyan Household Tasks

You may have noticed a difference or two between your life and Emanuel’s life?


More History

In the late 1800s, Kenya came under British control.

In 1940, the Kenyan people began to fight for their independence until it was finally achieved in


Kenya became the political and economic leader of East Africa.

Today, Kenya’s population

of about _____________ million is growing rapidly.

Kenyans Today About 40 different ethnic

groups are found in Kenya, the largest of which being

the __________________, who live mostly in the highlands.

_________ of all Kenyans live in rural villages.

Only 25% live in cities such as the capital city,


Recently, many Kenyans began moving from the countryside into the cities.

Ticket To Leave

An Exit Paper- List three things that you have learned, and write at least one question that you have about the topic
