Grand Canyon

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Grand Canyon

April 2008

Cessna 207 took us from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon. Flown by a pretty little blond pilot.

Ready for departure? Do you know where the discomfort (vomit) bag is?

We were both giddy.

First images – here the river Colorado enters Lake Meade (lake above Boulder Dam)

Entering Grand Canyon

It’s undescribebly vast...

This would be our helicopter to take us to the bottom.

Excitement is rising as the engine starts...

Here we go over the edge. Like a monstrous rolercoaster ride.

It’s also very very deep...


We reached the bottom.

Boat trip on the Colorado river inside G.C.

Isn’t this a precious picture for the family album?

On the way up in our helicopter...

Been there!

Been there, too!

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One of the view points.

Boulder Dam (aka Hoover Dam)
