Eze Village (France)

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ze VillageFrance

Located on the southeastern French just between Monaco and Nice, ze Village represents the beauty of the French Riviera, a must see.ze has been described as an eagle's nest because of its location overlooking a high cliff 427 metres (1,401 ft) above sea level on the French Mediterranean. It's so high that the light ochre church within (Notre Dame de lAssomption built in 1764) can be seen from afar. An Egyptian cross inside the church suggests the village's ancient roots, when the Phoenicians erected a temple there to honour the goddess Isis. The motto of the village is the phrase: "Isis Moriendo Renascor" (meaning "In death I am Reborn") and its emblem is a Phoenix perched on a bone. ze Village was first populated around 2200BC and was later then occupied by many people like the Romans, the Moors and others, each of them leaving behind them what the Village is today, a Old Village engraved by a rich history. The oldest building in the village is the Chapelle de la Sainte Croix and dates back to 1306. Its Jardin botanique d'ze is known for its collection of cactus and succulents, as well as its panoramic views.

Images and text: InternetMusic: Jeux damisAdriana Have A Nice Day!
