Corporate Events through Wheel of life

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In our today life we all aim to get more in shorter


More impressions

More emotions

More experience

More knowledge

More taste

More health

More ideas

event organizers always knew that, but now this willing became

more complex, more pervasive

In our day-to-day life catching all-and-now is quite stressful

before you get right balance


We try to catch all and now

But during incentive trip such goals are easily achievable and that’s why we love not virtual, but real

MEETINGS During travel to LIVE EVENT you can:

Explore new country with it’s culture

Get new knowledge during live conference and possibility

to talk with live speakers

Set new experiences and through different activities (even during coffee-breaks)

Stir bright emotions!

Get new energy from networking with motivated

people with same goals

Taste new cuisine

To deliver product knowledge andto motivate our employee’s or partners, right?

All other aims are coming from these two.

So, we can say that we want to connect emotionally our target audience with our brand

Why we make events?

and best result usually comes from bright positive emotions of event participants

So, we must make them feel happy, right?

Psychologists say that for

happiness people should feel

harmony in key spheres and

evaluate them by wheel of life

So, let’s look, how we can touch all spheres of life during travel to live event:

Awake their emotions, set new experience, make different activities and master-classes,let them feel fun!

Let their professional expertise grow during professional conference

Teach them to earn money from using your product

Provide great professional content, so participants get new knowledge during conference

Choose interesting destination, unique venue and good hotel as perfect location for your event

Make active coffee-breaks during conference and mild sport activities/competitions between session days

Make Social Walls, engage participants to communicate, connect with their friends around the world and share impressions about your event

Give them time to buy great local souvenirs for their family during incentive trip

-> Team-building-> Adventure-> Soviet-> ECO-> Shopping

-> Conference-> Cultural-> Nature-> Food-> Sport-> Relax

Experience in Ukraine

Phone: +38 044 570 3050 (office line), +38 050 1470207 (mobile)


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