Consequences Of Conflict In Sri Lanka

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Consequences of Conflict in Sri Lanka

Soldiers ready to fight with ammunition Car Bomb victim – terrorist activity

Demonstrations in Sri Lanka

From the Tamil Perspective:

• Unfairness/Injustice

• Sinhalese majority has been insensitive

Issues of Contention



Political ConsequencesARMED CONFLICT: Resort to

violenceTamils felt discriminated.When the unhappiness started in 1950s, Tamils demonstrated peacefully, asking for equal treatment.

The Tamils tried asking nicely for the Sinhalese to consider their demands.

Demonstrations are non-violent. They just want to bring a message across.

Political ConsequencesARMED CONFLICT: Resort to

violenceA political party, The Federal Party wanted Sri Lanka to be a federation,Tamil areas to be self-governing.

The green areas are areas where the Tamils wanted to be seperated from the Sinhalese.

Federation means that although the country is divided into 2 or more parts, it is still comes under 1 whole

Eg: United States of America (with all its individual states) or Malaysia

Political ConsequencesARMED CONFLICT: Resort to

violenceHowever, nothing was done and in 1976, Tamil United Liberation Front emerged asking for separate state to ensure their rights.Ideas was rejected by Sri Lankan govt.

The Tamils then thought that violence was the only way to get what they wanted

Picture of the Tamil Tiger Flag. They want the Green Part of Sri Lanka to be INDEPENDENT.

Political ConsequencesARMED CONFLICT: Resort to

violenceTamils became angry, groups like the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) emerged. This group promotes use of violence because they believed that that’s the only they themselves can take care of the problem.

Political ConsequenceFOREIGN INTERVENTION: India

Conflict attracted India’s attention.Offered be a mediator for them.Intervened by:(a) Sending Indian troops into Sri Lanka(b) Hosting dialogues between the 2 parties

Indian Minister, urging both sides to come to a peaceful agreement through discussion.

Political ConsequenceFOREIGN INTERVENTION: India

This results in a loss of sovereignty.This means that Sri Lankan government no longer has total control over their own country.

Now India has a say in Sri Lanka’s affairs.

Sri Lanka will not be able to solve its problems on its own anymore.

Political ConsequenceFOREIGN INTERVENTION: India

Example for (a)When India forced the Tamil Tigers to have peace in 1987 by giving up their weapons, the TT refused and the Indian ’peacekeeping’ troops took them by force, clashing with the locals, bringing more violence. They eventually withdrew in 1990.

Indian army FORCED Tamil Tigers to give up their weapons so that there would be PEACE. Ironic isn’t it?

Ended up in more blood shed. Weapons surrendered but people were killed


Political ConsequenceFOREIGN INTERVENTION: India

Example for (b)Indian government pressured Sri Lanka to sign a peace accord in 1987. As this was not an initiative of the Sri Lankans, it did not work out.

When you FORCE two parties to sign a PEACE treaty, it is a contradiction.

No wonder it doesn’t work out.

Economic ConsequencesUNEMPLOYMENT: Disruption of local economy

When the riots and fighting broke out, there was massive unemploymentFactory workers, self-employed people, plantation workers all lost their jobs.

When people lose their jobs, they will not have a means to support themselves and have to beg

When fields are destroyed, women like these are put out of job.

Economic ConsequencesUNEMPLOYMENT: Disruption of local economy

Those who became jobless became bored and unhappy, they began rioting, burning down and looting their places of work, making it even more difficult for them to eventually regain their jobs.

A shop house front that has been burnt down.

People will find it difficult to restart their life again – and might choose the easier option, revenge

Economic Consequences


Without foreign investment, Sri Lanka’s economy will not grow, without growth, there can be no economic prosperity, people will still be poor and jobless. Their standard of living will remain bad and they will have no incentive to stop fighting.With investment, Sri Lanka would have the finances to become a modern, developed city, with a high standard of living.

But if fighting goes on, nothing will be changed

Economic Consequences


Foreign investments are essential for a country’s growth.Due to the violence and conflict in Sri Lanka, investors are often afraid to go in for fear that they make a loss or endanger their lives.

There are many chances for Sri Lanka to develop – by getting foreign firms (eg. Microsoft, Apple) to set up businesses in Sri Lanka.

These businesses are investments where money will be pumped into the Sri Lankan economy making it prosperous

Economic ConsequencesFALL IN NO. OF TOURIST: No tourist revenue

Sri Lanka has great potential to earn through tourism because of it’s cultural heritage and beautiful landscape.

Sri Lanka is so beautiful.

Such beaches are common as Sri Lanka is surrounded by the Indian Ocean!

Imagine if it was a peaceful place, lots of tourists will come and Sri Lanka can earn a lot of money

Economic ConsequencesFALL IN NO. OF TOURIST: No tourist revenue

Tourism can bring large amt of wealth, revenue made from local merchandise, services providedfrom hotel industries.With conflict however, no revenue can be made.

Eg: Tourists will pay good money for spa services in hotels.

Eg: Locals can also earn money by ferrying tourists around


Becoming refugeesWith the 1983 riots, 1000s of Tamils fled to Tamil Nadu. About 65,000 of them continue to live in refugee camps in India today.Within the country, many Tamils flee from their houses when the Sri Lankan army set up High Security Zones (HSZ) to keep the LTTE away.

Frightened Tamils that ran away are now living in refugee camps like this.

No electricity and water


Becoming refugeesEg: In 1995, when a HSZ was set up in Jaffna, a Tamil dominated region, many of them feared for their lives and fled out of the area. They now live in overcrowded conditions in refugee camps or with relatives.

Children in refugee camps – a result of being chased away from their own homes
