Book a fine corbett hotel to ensure memorable trip to corbett park

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When you stay in one of the several resorts near Jim Corbett National Park, you will be able to enjoy the various treasures of the park.

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Book Corbett Hotel to Ensure Memorable Trip to Corbett Park

Corbett National Park is among India’s most beautiful nature parks.

Named after the famous wildlife conservationist, Jim Corbett, the park was established on 8 August 1936.

Then it was named after the Governor of United Provinces, Sir Malcolm Hailey.

It was much later in 1957 when the park was finally named Jim Corbett National Park from where the Project Tiger was launched on 01 April 1973.


Natural Environs at Jim Corbett National Park

The charming world of Jim Corbett National Park is well known not only for its wildlife but its natural environs as well.

The park comprises of numerous little ridges and ravines formed by the Ramganga River that cuts the area repeatedly at various places.

There are some of the finest trees of Indian origin such as the Sal and Khair, khingan and kharpat, besides sal, ber and bamboo.

You will also find tall grass and dense foliage formed by sheesham trees here.

Then of course, there are the original denizens of the park that are worth notice.


The Denizens of the Corbett Park

The priceless inhabitants of Jim Corbett National Park that are also the major attraction include mammals, birds and reptiles.

The mammals include carnivores such as tigers and leopards as well as different types of jungle cats and civet cats.

There are the beautiful herbivores too and these include elephants and various species of deer and antelope such as the sambar, nilgai, hog deer and the barking deer.

You will also find sloth bear, the Himalayan bear, wild boar and different types of monkeys.


Species of Birds At The Corbett National Park

At the Corbett National Park, bird watchers can have a field day looking out for hundreds of species of birds, both native & migratory.

These include the peacock, owls and hornbills, barbets and larks as well as myna and magpie among many others.

Then there are the reptiles, most of these being unfriendly!

There are Indian marsh crocodiles the mugger and the gharial besides the King Cobra, Cobra, common krait, Russell’s viper and python.

The best way of enjoying all these treasures is by taking a safari.


Take Excellent Safaris Available at the Park

When you stay in one of the several resorts near Jim Corbett National Park, you will be able to enjoy the various treasures of the park.

There are several options for you to do this by going for any one of the different safaris including horse safari, the 4x4 safari and the elephant safari.

The best resorts near the Corbett National Park have adventure sports on offer as well.

These include river rafting, rock climbing and rappelling, abseiling/slithering and river crossing and traversing among others.


Corbett Accommodation Picture Gallery

