Big history

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Big HistoryAnthony Knapp

Hist. 140


What is Big HistorySource: The “Big” History of Coffee “ Big History” <>

• Big History the official definition; is a different way to look at history. It takes a small question and ups the scale.

• Meaning that it takes history past the time scales and groups history into common themes.

Big History Cont.Source: The Way We Are Video

• Human Perception changes with the knowledge that we know.

• The Western Civilization was built upon the Greeks of questioning everything in the universe.

• This relates to Big History, because big history ups the scale of the question being ask.

• Also big history combines many subjects to answer the question being ask.

Catastrophesource: Secrets of the Dead “Catastrophe!”

• Catastrophes can change the course of history of a country and for the big ones they can change the course of history

• Example would be the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. With the massive meteor.

• The two scientist that were leading the investigation was Prof. Bailey and Davis

• In the 6th-7th century there was a massive climate change in the world.

• This was seen in extremely narrow tree rings found all over world that suggested a cooler summers.

• This was supported by historic records at this time that noted the cooler days.

• After examine ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica, and saw there was a large amounts of sulfur, which are tell -tell signs of a volcanic eruption,

• This led to Krakatoa off the coast of Southeast Asia, which erupted in the 1800’s.

• The consequence of the 6th Century eruption was causing the Bubonic Plague in Asia that shatter the dreams of bringing the Roman Empire back to its former glory.

Migration Source: National Geographic: “Journey of Mankind” by Spencer Williams

• Spencer Wells is a geneticst who worked on a project to trace the ancestor of modern mankind

• Spencer Wells concluded that every bodies ancestor came from the Soma Bushmen in Africa.

• This was based on a certain genetic trait on the Y-chormosome in males

• 50,000 years ago some of the Bushmen left Africa and ended in Australia.

• Later at 40,000 more bushman left Africa and spread through the Middle East and Asia, and finally Europe and North America.

Migration: Cont. Source: Video: The Colombian Trade

• There are reasons for migrations like hunting and gathering foods.

• The other reason is for trade. A example would be the Spanish Conquistador exploring and conquering most of the Americas in the 15th and 16th century.

Trade: Before Columbus Source: The world in 1492 and Columbus’s World

• To Understand why Christopher Columbus embarked on his journey that change history we must look at the World that he lived in.

• The World of Columbus was a world that started to devolved trade after the Crusades which brought back spices of the far east.

• At this time there was tension with Muslim who conquered Constantinople and the southern part of Spain.

• All the trade routes to Asia were controlled by the Muslim Empire, and force European traders to pay inflated prices.

Trade: Christopher Columbus Source: The world in 1492 and Columbus’s World

• It is important to talk about who Columbus is.

• Columbus was born in 1451 in the Italian City-State of Genova.

• Like in may Italian City-States people in the City State were able to move up in society and were taught to be self confident and to be ambitious.

• Columbus later became a merchant representative.

• Columbus goal to reach the Asian island of Samona “Where the gold was”

• Also to reach China, which was consider to a technological and cultural center.

• To reach these two places would potential gains lots of wealth

Trade: After Columbus Source: The Columbian Trade

• The legacy that Columbus left enormous.

• It was the first time that both of the continents where link by trade.

• The Europeans Brought grains like wheat and barely which found to be great climate to grow

• Also brought livestock like cows, the cows develop the gachos and cowboys which both became respected icons in their countries

• Horses were also brought which change Native Americans life's and help flourish their culture.

• The European also brought foods that were native to the Americas like potatoes, maize, and casaba which saved people form starvation.

FoodSources: Guns, Germs, and Steel: Esp 1 Out of Eden, The Columbian Trade

• Food is a important factor in developing society.

• Agriculture started in the Middle East 11,500 years

• 9,000 years after came live stock • These two factors played important role

in that they provide two stable food sources.

• This in turned help support larger populations and help create specialist

• The specialist in turned could produce steel

• Although 1,000 years latter the Fertile Crescent was abandoned for over use

• Agriculture was carried over to other area similar latitudes.

• For the people who were not so lucky couldn’t supply the constant food, couldn’t developed like the others

ConquestSources: Gun, Germs, and Steel: Esp. 2 Conquests

• The reason that the Spanish Conquistador were able to beat the Inca Empire of South America.

• Frist the technology of the Spanish weapons were made after fighting with the Moors for two hundred years. To jacobabus, which were primitive guns.

• Second was the horses, which were bred for over 4000 years in Spain, also the Spanish riding style of jimeta, which emphasis control and maneuverability and riding with one hand.

• Must important was knowledge, which the Incas were isolated from the rest of the world. That knowledge was able to move easier east to west, instead North to South.

• Lastly Diseases that European were immune to.

Picture Sources National geographic: “Journey of Mankind”

Conquistador statue

portrait of Columbus

1843 Eruption of Krakatoa

Trade routes in the 1450’s

Spanish and Portuguese trade routes

Gun Germs and Steel

Spanish Rapiers

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