You know when you are addicted to OSM when



talk by tim waters at State Of The Map 2012 OpenStreetMap Conference - a lighthearted talk about the enthusiasms about the project

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You Know You are Addicted to OSM


Tim Waters @tim_waters chippy


(JS Schmidt)Addiction




Wider ecosystem

OSM Purity Self Test

Please edit & translate!

If you feel compelled...

OSM Purity Self Test:

What do you do if the weather's too bad to go out mapping at the weekend?

0 - watch the TV1 - look at the OSM website to see how your area is getting on2 - work on OSM software of some sort3 - wander round your local streets with a GPS for about half an hour, umbrella4 - catch the train, bus or drive to somewhere unmapped and map it in vehicle5 - Go out all day regardless, nothing will stop you!

You Know You are Addicted to OSM


When you map your city and mark it complete

And so you move to another city with less OSM!

GregDurham → Canada

Steve & HurricaneDenver – Seattle

MikelSan Francisco → Nairobi

Marten Amsterdam → Salt Lake City

KateWashington DC → Indonesia

... You forget to pick the girlfriend up from work, but remember the GPS.

... You forget the keys to the car, but remember the GPS

When you keep count of the number of OSM events you have attended.

When you lose count of the number of OSM events you have attended!


Your children only get map cakes!

When you take your GPS on a rollercoaster

When you map in the face of danger!

When you are offered a free lift home by friends or relatives and you direct them around different roads to

get the most traces


Have a whole year living with no copyrighted maps

When you write your own editor

And another editor...

And another one!

When your GPS breaks! And you get depressed.

When your GPS breaks...but it's okay!

Armchair mappingWalking PapersHOT Task Manager

You see a new roundabout, and decide to drive 6 times full circle in

it, to get all an inner and outer lanes.


You go on holiday to a remote Scottish island, and your baby son

says “GPS” as his first word- jonobennet


“When, even at your age, you're still looking for Easter Eggs”

- Maning

You can tell where a trace is by reading the raw NMEA/GPX log...



You can convert degrees of latitude / longitude to meters in your head

 var R = 6378.137; // Radius of earth in KM    var dLat = (lat2 ­ lat1) * Math.PI / 180;    var dLon = (lon2 ­ lon1) * Math.PI / 180;    var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +    Math.cos(lat1 * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(lat2 * Math.PI / 180) *    Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);    var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1­a));    var d = R * c;    return d * 1000;

...where a place is by its zoom 12 tile z/x/y




You get excited by a new planet.osm dump

every week

and buy huge new disk drives and Bluerays to

keep them on

And then you spend a few hoursto extract the planet to get a daily

update in the growth of the planet,

in bytes.


You still have your tiles@home server farm sitting idle in the

cupboard at work

More dysfunction...

You run for OpenStreetMap Foundation Board a troll

You fork OSM

You reject the contributor terms


OCOSMD-ceptionWhen you do a talk about Addiction to OSM When you do a slide in the talk about the slide in the talk about Addiction to OSM

You run out of things to map, and so you start mapping things that might

be there.

Like Ley lines竜行

When you run a mapping party

When you mapped...

And mapped...

And mapped....

When you spend your evenings writing an OSM application

2285 openstreetmap repositories

When you spend your weekends maintaining the OSM servers

When you are in the Licensing Working Group

When you are in the Licensing Working Group

…. and like it!

When some things seem not that important...








When know who FakeSteveC is

When you ARE FakeSteveC

When you import the buildings around your neighbourhood of OSM into your open

source flight simulator just so you can fly over them

You choose the most expensive chair in IKEA to serve your armchair

mapping activities

When you camp outside an unopened shopping mall in the

snow with GPS + Camera... and get arrested

firefishy (grant slater)

There is help...

3 Steps Programme

Accept your obsessions

Tell everyone

Take a break -do other harmless things




Google Map Maker

You Know You are Addicted to OSM


When you go to SOTM!

When you sponsor SOTM

When you sponsor SOTM!!

When you organise SOTM!

Tim Waters @tim_waters chippy