You Can Become A Better You! part 1


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You Can Become A Better You!-Part 1 In life, serious people or organizations strive for excellence Organiza-

tions that have set high standards and follow up to ensure that they are im-

plemented will have some leverage. Peace

of mind is guaranteed where High standards

are set and implemented. The Spirit of Medi-

ocrity is a great enemy to any business enter-

prise. There is provision for one to Improve

in whatever they do! Noah found favour in the

sight of God. He obeyed God and built the

ark that saved human race from the flood.

Most people, organizations or institutions rewards good character.

One’s character will determine whether that person will succeed or fail in

their aspirations. Personally, I have a deep conviction and desire in my

heart to become a better person every passing day through God’s power.

When Jesus appeared to John the Revela-

tor in His glorified body, He encouraged the

Seven Churches to come up higher in their op-

erations. It is the Church of Philadelphia that

was complimented by Jesus. They had kept

the Faith and walking in God’s Love. Others

had some issues. To the Church at Sardis, Je-

sus warned them saying: "Be watchful, and

strengthen the things which remain, that

are ready to die, for I have not found your

works perfect before God.” Rev. 3:2 (KJV).

Here, the LORD is encouraging us that it is possible to change and be-

come better people. His Life’s transforming Power has not changed. Je-

sus Christ is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever. Heb. 13:8

God admonishes us to come back to Him and reason together. He

says: Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD,

"Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow;

Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. If you are

willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; But if you re-

fuse and rebel, You shall be devoured by the

sword"; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

Isa. 1:18-20. -NKJV

Queen Vashti lost her position as the Queen of

Persia. She refused to come at the king's command-

ment by his chamberlains. Esther 1:12. Esther was

sought to replace her as the Queen. Prior to her en-

try into the palace Esther had been raised by her un-

cle Mordecai who had impacted her life positively. Queen Esther

Even during the selection process Esther was keen to hear Mordecai’s

advice and that is what propelled her into this position as Queen. She was

a woman of character! (Read the Book of Esther).

Following the death of her husband Ruth (a Moabite woman) clung to

her Mother in-law Naomi. We hear her say: "Entreat me not to leave

you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I

will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my

people, And your God, my God. Ruth 1:16.-NKJV. As you follow this

story you will realize that Ruth exhibited extra-ordinary qualities of a

good woman.


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She loved people regardless

of their race, she was: teacha-

ble, available, caring, respectful,

obedient, courageous, hard-

working, faithful, ready to

change for the better and True

worshipper of the God of Abra-

ham, Isaac and Jacob. I be-

lieve Ruth must have learned

these Godly values from her

mother in-law Naomi. Naomi

understood what was expected

from a Covenant person as Israelite woman. Ruth’s relationship with

Naomi is pretty telling.

Whenever you carry out an exercise or do

something over and over without losing focus you

master it. Companies like Toyota, Coco Cola,

Microsoft Corporation, Intel, Apple, Microsoft,

Google, Facebook, SAMSUNG, IBM, SA-

FARICOM and many others have become house-

hold names due to the high quality products and

services they offer to their customers. These com-

panies are not perfect but whenever there is an issue, they handle it with due

diligence. Even if it means re-calling already sold products that might have

any defect, they do not hastate. Recently Samsung recalled its latest smart

phone release Galaxy NOTE 7 product for having some problem with its bat-

tery. The culture of excellence should not be compromised. They seem

to ascribe to this truth: “A good name is to be chosen rather than great

riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold.”- Pr 22:1 - NKJV.

Serving with excellence may not present immediate gratification but its

benefits surpass other benefits gotten through shortcuts by others. There

is Swahili saying: mvumilivu hula mbivu. It is similar to English say-

ing: Patience pays. There is time for

everything under the sun. Eccl. 3:1.

Whatever that is done in God’s tim-

ing is what carries the day. Delay is

not denial! Waiting on God provides

us with an opportunity to develop pa-

tience which is one of the fruits of the

Spirit of God. It took Abraham 86

years to have Ismael as son. It took

him almost 14 years to receive Isaac (the son of the Promise). The quality

of Isaac would not be matched. Those who wait on God with sincere

hearts and good attitudes receive quality blessings!

Before His ascension to heaven, Jesus commanded His disciples to

tarry in Jerusalem so as to be infused with the power of The Holy spirit.

They would not have carried out the mammoth task that was ahead of them

in their own strength. Evangelizing

the whole world was no mean busi-

ness. Dunamis Miracle working

power of God is exactly what the

disciples needed to accomplish this

task. They needed a Supernatural

Power working through them.

And being assembled togeth-

er with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem,

but to wait for the Promise of the Father, "which," He said, "you

have heard from Me.” Acts 1:4

(Continued ...check part 2)
