Xen Summit 2011 - Xen in the Cloud - globo.com


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globo.com Xen in the CloudMarco Sinhorelimarco.sinhoreli@corp.globo.com

Who is the globo.com?

In a globalized world, one needs to brave new routes, break through frontiers, fly in

search of new horizons.

More about us‣ Internet branch of the Globo Organizations, the

largest Latin America media conglomerate and 4th in the world

‣ World record owner in internet votes on reality-show

‣ Largest audience for video streaming in the country

‣ Considered benchmark for high-volume web distribution

The globo.com leads the Brazilian internet audience in the main segments





Are 11 yearsbuilding systems to support millions of users

globo.com +

Our statement about Xen

‣ High performance hypervisor

‣ Security and reliability build-in and strong isolation

‣ Ready to cloud, standard-based API

‣ Proven technology and credibility

‣ Fully-engaged and global developer community

‣ Many leader technology vendors commited

globo.com cloudproject orquestra

Economic advantages

Power consumption







Stand-alone Server (250 w/h) Virtualized Server (20 w/h)

Power consumption average

Energy save in the cloud

Data Center space

Data Center occupation Occupied space in percent







Stand-alone Server Virtualized Server

‣ Cooling reduce

‣ Fast provisioning

‣ Resource consolidation

‣ Reduced Data Center TCO

‣ Increased ROI of projects


Authorization service

‣ Defines the polices to system access

‣ Each profile has a specific dashboard to:

‣ Physical resources management

‣ Business resources management

‣ Network resources management

‣ VM administration segmented per project

User requests

‣ Sync calls are used to get informations about:

‣ VMs and Hosts

‣ RRDs to create the performance graphs

‣ Async calls are used to request actions like:

‣ VM creation, shutdown, start, stop

‣ Add host and pool creation

‣ Interact with NetAPI to set LBs and Switches

Queuing engine

‣ Used to async processes

‣ The subscribers work in paralleling process to instance resources in the cloud

‣ The users receive real-time information about the queue consumption

‣ The users can manage the queue stopping, resuming and removing tasks


‣ Used to manage network physical resources

‣ Include VLANs in the switch port trunk

‣ Apply ACLs

‣ VIP and reals creation

‣ Maintain the relationship between server and switch ports

‣ Pluggable and vendor agnostic

XAPI Integration

‣ Layer to contact XCP servers

‣ Expose a VNC proxy with SSL and dynamic token authentication to hosts and VMs consoles

‣ Translates all rest-full calls to XML-RPC using xenapi.py


‣ Multi-datacenter support

‣ Integrate with OpenStack project

‣ Expose an API to integrate with internal PaaS and Data Center management system (Energy, Cooling, etc)

‣ Multi storage repository support

‣ Dynamic live-migration and host shutdown/start based in consumption

XCP evolution

‣ Better velocity in XAPI requests

‣ Today, doing many requests in a pool, the performance is harmed

‣ Pool ejection without restart the Host

‣ Inter-pool migration and storage repository shared between pools

‣ Link the object uuid to the task in an async call (need a new field to connect the objects)

‣ Ex: Async.VM.clean_shutdown(vm)

‣ In this case, the task for the async call, has a field with the Vm uuid

‣ Master recover decision enabled in XCP

Open Source

‣ All components used in project orquestra are open source

‣ After executing the roadmap, migrate the project to OpenStack and turn it open source

‣ Help the OpenStack project with our development force


ThanksMarco Sinhoreli

