World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon



I-Vission International ( in partnership with COFEPRE, FEBAS, GIC CECMMC, ARSF, ESF, and Un Monde Avenir, Partnership Cameroon will bring together women from various civil society organizations; government, politics, business and religion to articulate on the theme provided for this year by the ITU: “Women and Girls in ICT” The event is drawn around the following activities: Debate on policy issues, capacity building, success stories, workshops, TV talk and networking. Scheduled for the 10th to the 11th of May to the 2012, at the Regional Delegation of Women’s Affairs in Douala, this event is organized in prelude of the celebration of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012. The second day (10th of May) will be marked by a TV talk. Objective • Educate and sensitize women and girls on the role the ICTS play in socio cultural development in Cameroon and how they can take advantage of these tools to improve the output of their activities make their voice heard, • Advocate for government to take into consideration gender issues in policies related to the Information and communication Technology, • Put in place a Working Group on Women and Girls in ICT in Cameroon (WGinICT)

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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon« Women and Girls in ICTs »

Impact du Web2.0 sur l’intégration socio économique et politique des femmes et jeunes


Excel AsamaPresident, I-Vission International

www.ivission.netT: +237 99 44 43 91


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon« Women and Girls in ICTs »

Impact du Web2.0 sur l’intégration socio économique et politique des femmes et jeunes filles

"The question we have to ponder here is simply this: how does a society hope to transform itself if it 'shoots itself in the foot' by squandering

more than half of its capital investment? The truth of the matter is that societies that

recognize the real and untapped socio-economic, cultural andpolitical power of women thrive. Those that refuse to value and

leverage women's talent, energies and unique perspectives remaindevelopmental misfits. And I daresay that it is not difficult to

demonstrate this with a growing body of evidence. Paul Kagame


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon« Women and Girls in ICTs »

What is Web 2.0?

• The User-focused Web . The user needs are catered: participate, organize, read, write & play online

Why is it important? Why use Web 2.0?

• Value Content Creation . Custom search engines . Collaboration . Communication . Communication . Web-based journals/blogs . Outreach . Wikis . Instruction . Podcasts . Training . Videos and photos . Resource . Library marketing development

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon« Women and Girls in ICTs »

What is Web2.0?

Le Web 2.0 est une évolution du Web vers plus de simplicité (ne nécessitant pas de grandes connaissances techniques ni informatiques pour les utilisateurs) et d'interactivité (permettant à chacun de contribuer sous différentes formes

Traditional Contents Distribution




Information Producer

Information Consumer

Centralized Information Production

Web 2.0 Mind Map

Traditional Contents Distribution




Information Producer

Information Consumer

Centralized Information Production

Key Philosophy of Web 2.0


Contents Providers


tagging mashup(web services, RSS)

Web asPlatform


Contents Production by User Participation

UCC(User-Created Contents)


Photo Audio


UCC ServicesText Photo Audio Video

blog & wiki photo storing& sharing


video storing& sharing

Expansion of User Paricipation

WiFi Community for free WiFi access User-Generated Infrastructure

User-Created Software

User-Created Media

P2P Network User-Generated Network

Collective Intelligence• Collective Intelligence

– Crowd's "collective intelligence" will produce better outcomes than a small group of experts (Users add value)

Network effects from user contributions– Requirements for Collective Intelligence

• diversity of opinion• independence of members from one another• decentralization• a good method for aggregating opinions

• Example cases of aggregating methods– Google PageRank– Yahoo Collaborative Tag Suggestion– Amazon Recommendation

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon« Women and Girls in ICTs »

Impact du Web2.0 sur l’intégration socio économique et politique des femmes et jeunes filles

Web 2.0 Startups

Contents Production ConsumptionText Photo Audio Video

• Searching• Discovering (links, tags, directories)• Recommended

Contents Consumption

Contents(User-Created Contents,Ready-Made Contents)

Personalization Long Tail

Recommendation Recommendation, Search, Tagging

Web as Platform

Web Database

Web Pages, Maps, Offline Data,UCC(text, photo, audio, video)User Logs, Purchase Logs etc

RSS + Open API

Users Developers Affiliate Sites Services

Web PlatformEnvironment where services are developed, deployed, and executed based on massive Web DB

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon« Women and Girls in ICTs »

Impact du Web2.0 sur l’intégration socio économique et politique des femmes et jeunes filles


Case d’étude 1: Blogue.frW

eb 2



Case d’étude 1: Blogue.frW

eb 2


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2012 Cameroon« Women and Girls in ICTs »

Impact du Web2.0 sur l’intégration socio économique et politique des femmes et jeunes filles
