Workshp LKMM Pra Dasar EDSA


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Oleh: Dini Hajarrahmah


Kenapa Kritis itu Penting?

In a world of growing uncertainty one thing is certain; we will need 1) sharp critical thinkers who can size up the situation, 2) realize the potential where others may not, 3) and seize opportunities through prompt decision-making(

Bagaimana Melatih critical thinking? ( Question assumptions.

Critical thinkers are inquisitive and look to find the what and the why behind every proposition. Crisis can bring out the best critical thinking because it forces you to question how and why you ended up in trouble. Jadi.. Bertemanlah dengan masalah

2) Adopt different perspectives. Take advantage of the genders and cultures represented in today's diverse management landscape. Maybe problem will have the same problem-solving tool kit, but their different experiences can provide valuable insights. Jadi.. Coba lihat masalah dengan openminded.

3) See potential. Critical thinkers should also have a creative bent that allows them to see opportunities where others see obstacles. For example, one executive may see a production snag as a problem whereas a savvy thinker must view it as an opportunity to revamp the process to produce something new.

4) There is one additional aspect of critical thinking that is vital to today's leader: managing ambiguity. The speed of business, intertwined as it is with global factors and complex supply chains, dictates that you will never know all the variables. Therefore, you need to get comfortable with operating in an environment where change is constant and rapid decisions are required. Jadi.. Keputusan yang cepat dalam waktu mendesak sangat diperlukan! Think Critically!

So.. Jangan hanya diam!Banyak organisasi, LSM, dll diluar sana!Dari kemampuan berorganisasi, akan tumbuh

sikap kritis!Carpediem! Seize the day! Resap informasi

dan ilmu sebanyak mungkin, open your mind dan sambutlah setiap kesempatan dengan tangan terbuka!

Kesuksesan = pertemuan antara kesiapan dan kesempatan!

Share.. Share.. Share..!!Sudah berapa banyak hal yang kamu bagi

terhadap lingkungan dan sosialmu??Ilmu akan menjadi bermanfaat jika kita

membaginya dengan yang lain!Pengabdian, Volunteering, Berbagi!Problem solving tehadap isu-isu di sekitar

kita!Jangan hanya OMONG, tapi AKSI!


Jadi.. Coba kritisi masalah satu ini!Kita tahu banyak sekali masalah yang sedang

menimpa negara kita tercinta mulai dari urusan TKW yang dianiaya, Gayus, isu negatif ‘kunjungan’ DPR ke luar negri, dan lain-lain. Nah, menurut kelompok kalian.. Kasus di Indonesia manakah yang harus diprioritaskan saat ini untuk diselesaikan terlebih dahulu dan dengan cara seperti apa??

Sekarang..Coba renungkan apa potensi kamu yang bisa

kamu share ke lingkungan sekitar??____________________________________________

Lalu, pikirkanlah organisasi seperti apa (jika bisa sebut namanya) yang kira-kira dapat menjadi tempat untuk mengembangkan potensi kamu tersebut??_____________________________________________

Share your potencies and ability to as much people

as possible!!!