Wordpress Backups, Automated and Secure



Learn how to automate your Wordpress backups so you never have to worry about a hacked or corrupt site again.

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Back That APP UpBacking Up Wordpress

I am Ross Johnson@3pointRoss

What should I backup?

DATABASEAll your content, categories, settings, etc...

THEME FILESchanges in styling, custom themes, etc...


UPLOADSimages, documents, videos, etc...

Build in Backup

This updates...DATABASE CONTENTPosts / pagesCategories / tagsCommentsUsersEtc...

A lot is missing...

So we use these plugins

Wordpress DB Backuphttp://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-db-backup/

Wordpress Backuphttp://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-backup/

DATABASEAll your content, categories, settings, etc...

THEME FILESchanges in styling, custom themes, etc...


UPLOADSimages, documents, videos, etc...

This updates...

And it is e-mailed to you weekly

Anthony Montalbano Pro Wordpress Tip

Use a dedicated free Gmail account to collect backups...


Your site Vaultpress Servers

Thank ya!http://www.37designs.comhttp://3.7crea.tvhttp://stylizedweb.comhttp://workshop.37designs.com@3PointRoss