Word Press And Blogging


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WordPress and Blogging

A Typical Web 2.0 Tool

A blog is a website that allows people to interact with your content in the form of writing comments.

Blogs are a lot more fluid and interactive than the normal “old school” websites.

Blog contains text, hypertext, images, and sometimes video, audio and other files that can be viewed in a browser.

Blogs are arranged in chronological order.

What is a blog?

WordPress is Open Source Software run on MySQL database.

It’s coded in PHP (functionality), CSS (look) and XHTML.

WordPress is based on widgets, plugins and themes.

It is SEO friendly (permalinks), has multiple categories to articles and tagging.

Has inbuilt search engine.

What is WordPress?

Create your own domain. Set up host that uses Fantastisco De Luxe

or Simple Scripts. Choose a theme (blog-style or CMS). Choose plugins. Create good content, blog consistenly. Generate traffic (social media). Build following (emailing list).

How to become a blogger?

Akismet Google Analytics for WordPress Related Post Plugin Socio media plugin (SocioFluid) Allin in One SEO Pack Codestyling Localization SimplePress (forum) Casche W3 (increase performance)

Useful plugins

Inside View

CMS Style WordPress Theme

Blog Style Theme

Social Media Distribution (Twitter... bitly.com)

RSS and FeedBurner Email List (MailChimp, Aweber, FREE pdf

book) Multimedia blogging: Audio (interviews) Video (Vimeo, Animoto) ShareSlide Gravatar (and favicon)

X-Factor in Blogging

PHP structure of WordPress

Inside WordPress II