Windows firewall


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Steps Click on Start>Settings>Control Panel

From Control Panel Choose Windows Firewall

After Clicking on Windows firewall The following Dialog Box will appear

You can make changes under Exceptions tab according to your requirement

You can add a Program from Exception Dialog box, click on ADD Program the following Dialog box will appear

You can add a Port from Exception Dialog box click, on ADD Port the following Dialog box will appear

You can specify a name and a port number in the given space

•You can edit from Exception Dialog box, click on EDIT button the following Dialog box will appear.

In this you can specify that do you want allow communicate with this program from any computer, including those on the Internet or just from computers on your network

You can change the SCOPE under the EDIT a program Dialog box, for that click on change scope

Scope is used to specify the set of computers for which this port or program is unblocked, having following options

If you want to get rid off any program or Service, just highlight that service and click on the Delete button.

Now select the third tab on Windows Firewall dialog box i.e. Advance tab, the following Dialog box will appear

In Advance Dialog box we have the following options NCS (Network Connection Settings)

In this you can enable Windows firewall for the connections. SL (Security Logging)

You can create a log file for troubleshooting purpose. ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)

With this protocol you can share error and status information of the computers on a network.

DS (Default Settings)This option is used to restore of Windows Firewall settings to a default state.

UDP User Data gram Protocol
