what it means for PKP to offer Article Level Metrics



O Public Knowledge Project (PKP) está lançando uma aplicação da métrica em nível de artigo da PloS (PLOS’ Article Level Metrics, ALM) focado em periódicos do mundo em desenvolvimento. O serviço tem o potencial de alcançar milhares de periódicos que utilizam o Open Journal System que, caso bem sucedido, pode incentivar editores de periódicos a orientar suas revistas a um público mais amplo. A apresentação apresenta o novo serviço ALM da PKP e os desafios encontrados, bem como um primeiro olhar para as métricas de todos os artigos publicados no SciELO Brasil em 2012. A apresentação fornece o primeiro e inédito olhar nas métricas em nível de artigo de um país Latino Americano e convida editores de periódicos e publishers a participar usando o Open Journal Systems, inscrevendo-se para ter acesso ao serviço. The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is beginning to roll out an implementation of PLOS’ Article Level Metrics application focused on journals in the developing world. The service has the potential to reach thousands of journals using Open Journal Systems and, if successful, can encourage journal editors to steer their journals towards a broader public. The presentation introduces PKP’s new ALM service and the challenges encountered, as well as a first look at the metrics of all articles published in SciELO Brazil in 2012. The presentation provides the first-ever glance at article level metrics of a Latin American country and invites journal publishers and editors using Open Journal Systems to participate by signing up for the service. El Public Knowledge Project (PKP) está empezando a desarrollar una implementación del Article Level Metrics de PLOS enfocada a las revistas más importantes del mundo en desarrollo. El servicio tiene el potencial de llegar a miles de revistas usando Open Journal Systems y, si tiene éxito, puede animar a los editores de revistas para dirigir sus revistas a un público más amplio. La presentación introduce el nuevo servicio ALM de PKP y los desafíos que enfrenta, así como un primer vistazo a los indicadores de todos los artículos publicados en SciELO Brasil, en 2012. La presentación ofrece por primera vez una mirada a métricas a nivel de artículo de un país latinoamericano, e invita a los editores de revistas y editores con Open Journal Systems a participar inscribiéndose en el servicio.

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what it means for PKP to offer

Article Level MetricsJuan Pablo Alperin (@juancommander)

For many years

there could only be



one slight problem


world according to WoS@juancommander

if you’re from the South, and your public is in the South, you are ...



three regional


to the rescue@juancommander

is the goal to just make a betterIF?


an alternative source for


Meneghini, R., Mugnaini, R., & Packer, A. L. (2006). International versus national oriented Brazilian scientific journals. A scientometric analysis based on SciELO and JCR-ISI databases. Scientometrics, 69, 529–538. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-006-0168-z

Meneghini, R., & Packer, A. L. (2007). Is there science beyond English? Initiatives to increase the quality and visibility of non-English publications might help to break down language barriers in scientific communication. EMBO reports, 8(2), 112–6. doi:10.1038/sj.embor.7400906

Meneghini, R., Packer, A. L., & Nassi-Calò, L. (2008). Articles by latin american authors in prestigious journals have fewer citations. (S. M. Bowyer, Ed.)PloS one, 3(11), e3804. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003804

and some good studies came out of it


and they mostly

assert the bias


against developing countries

and now...


there are




what do they mean for the SOUTH@juancommander

and what are our motivations


and what is my motivation


what should be ourmotivation

for caring about altmetrics/ALM


• new ways gaining visibility• new ways demonstrating visibility

• good articles can stand out from journal• researchers can stand out for good work


• counting some forms of public impact • being rewarded for other kinds of impact

• incentive to gear research to public(local?) interests• move away from dependencies on measures biased against the South




facebook penetration@juancommander

All Place coordinates in the Twitter Decahose 23 October 2012 to 30 November 2012http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4366/3654

are you surprised?

Twitter is usage is very skewed


lets look at SciELO

data from articles published in SciELO.br in 2012collected metrics using PLOS ALM App

data can be found at http://pkp-alm2.lib.sfu.ca


crossref 1522 (8.5%)

mendeley 989 (5.5%)

pmc 439 (2%)

citeulike 16 (0%)

looking at coverage@juancommander

at least one event




the signal is


launched an


giving priority to the developing world



launched an


giving priority to the small publishers



our plan


make these metrics prominent

on article pagesthe tried and true “shove it in people’s faces” approach


hopefully: •change culture around communicating research

•open minds to alternative measures of impact

•attract readers to a different group of journals

•give an incentive to do research of public interest


We are actively looking for journals

especially from Latin America

sign-up your OJS journal here! http://tinyurl.com/pkp-alm

and tell your friends!


thank you

