What is hot on the web right now - A W3C perspective



HTTP and HTML and the Web itself enter their third decade of existence. Still, the Web continues to transform human communication, information sharing, commerce, education, and entertainment. Social networking, cloud computing, and the convergence of Web, television, video and online gaming are among the phenomena stretching the Web in exciting new directions. In this talk, Armin will present what the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), overlooking and steering the development of new Web standards is up to for the third decade of the Web. The W3C community is building an Open Web Platform that will enable the Web to grow and foster future innovation. This presentation present technology highlights of 2011 for advancing the Web platform. Focus topics of this talk will be the new HTML5 standard, the Data for Web Applications initiative which includes the next generation of RDF, and standards that allow people to create Semantic Web enabled Web Apps that have access to data from a variety of sources, including data-in-documents (RDFa) and data-from-databases (W3C's RDB2RDF).

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  • Written by: J.K. Rowling

  • Publisher: Bloomsbury