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The Pitch

Color Wheelz is designed to transform a 1997 Ford van into a traveling, participatory installation. This van travels through the five boroughs of NYC filled

with playful activities, which facilitate exploration into the world of color.

The Story

Color wheelz tells a story about different people from different places using color to describe the world they

live in.

1. Idea/Purpose-Content: Colorful commentary on NYC

2. Form-Manifestation (technology, book, sculpture, film?): Mobile installation

3. Idiom-Context, style, genre: Experimental, participatory

4. Structure-Composition, what to include, NOT include: Switchboard, slide projector

5. Craft- practical implementation: cutting, sewing, painting, printing, driving

6. Surface-finishing: Kit, posters, Maps, website

decalsvelcrocardboardvinylfabricmagnetsstyrofoamcling paperlightsbatterieselectrical tapeduck tapestrawsslide projector

Once a year the circus comes to town. It unfolds into a magical display of light and color. The quiet, motionless land instantly transforms into a vibrant playground filled with curious people. Excitement spills into the air spontaneously as visual imprints form life memories for all ages. Humans have a rich history in traveling entrepreneurship. Gypsies, circus acts, magicians and inventors are a few examples of people that have historical roots in nomadic livelihoods.

In New York City (NYC), an increasing number of commercial, political, artistic and educational enterprises are outreaching to communities through mobile venues. Carts, trucks and vans selling goods can be found on almost every street corner. The purpose and size of a mobile venue vary depending on what its intention is. In every case, there is a primary objective to reach a larger, more diverse group of people. These examples serve as inspiration for the development of this color laboratory on wheels with accompanying website http://coloriumlaboratorium.com/

Color Wheelz is designed to transform a 1997 Ford van into a traveling, participatory installation. This van travels through the five boroughs of NYC filled with playful activities, which facilitate exploration into the world of color. Color Wheelz will begin its first tour with a day long journey from Prospect Park, Brooklyn to Central Park, Manhattan. Along the way, it will stop in various NYC neighborhoods, including Crown Heights, Williamsburg, Chinatown, Chelsea, Midtown, Upper East Side, Harlem and Upper West Side.

Visitors to the van customize the inside and outside of it using colorful shapes, light, magnets, projections, textiles and paper. They create colorful patterns and designs that represent their current environment. Once the van is customized, it travels to a different location. Visitors in this location see it as a representation of where it came from. Changing the appearance of the van is a fun way for participants to contribute their personal interpretation. Color Wheelz combines mobility, color theory and hands-on activities to create a unique experience that results in a mobile, color theory research lab.

Interaction with Color Wheelz occurs inside and outside of the van. Up to 4 participants can be inside and up to 10 participants can be outside anytime. Visitors have the ability to influence the appearance of the van before it moves to a new location. This is a unique opportunity for people to represent their communities in a visual way. Each participant manipulates an array of color related items. These items may include glowing neon wire, cling paper, velcro shapes, magnets and projections. They turn on neon wire, cut shapes out of cling paper and apply velcro to the seats and walls. Colorful images can also be projected onto the interior.

These manipulations result in a colorful commentary. Results are documented through photographs, video, interviews and voice recordings. The event is publicized and published on the official website http://coloriumlaboratorium.com/ A map is updated on the website and on a twitter account so that people can find the location of Color Wheelz at any point during the day.

Color Wheelz creates a fun and engaging way for visitors to explore the colors in their world. Perhaps this exploration will encourage additional insight related to color, culture, communication and perception. Tracking the outcomes in each location is an ongoing effort and will result in a valuable collection of research data contributing to the field of color theory. During this phase of production, I look forward to learning how various populations within the five boroughs of NYC respond.

Copyright © 2010 ColoriumLaboratorium - All Rights Reserved

Color Wheelz: A Mobile Laboratory for Color Exploration

Julia R.Vallerajuliarvallera@gmail.com

What are you trying toachieve?

Fun, traveling, participatory installation

What problem do you want to solve?

I want to find out differences and similarities of color in various neighborhoods.

What do you want to discover?

I want to discover how people use color in the communities of NY. Do the colors of reflect the population?

Were there any suprises?

THere will be.

Who are you doing your thesis with/for?

the public


mobile installations

What are the careerand exhibition prospects you'll be able to achieve?

further project through grants/fellowshipongoing research on colorteachingdocument results and publish
