WebRTC Conference and Expo November 2013 - Crocodile Scrum Demo



A presentation by Peter Dunkley (Technical Director, Crocodile RCS Ltd). Presentation date 20-Nov-2013.

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Conferencing is a feature not a service

Conferencing is a feature not a service

Peter Dunkley, Technical Director, Crocodile RCS Ltd

Email: peter.dunkley@crocodilertc.net Twitter: @pdunkley

Email: john.parr@crocodile-rcs.com

Conference services have been around for a long time

• There’s nothing new here – WebRTC just lets you access them more conveniently

– with WebRTC it is now easier to use conference capabilities in a truly ad-hoc way

• The big change WebRTC brings to media sessions is context. The media session enhances your application instead of being the goal itself

– let’s stop talking about “conferencing” and start talking about n-party sessions

The Crocodile SDK and Network

• Support for ad hoc n-party sessions

• It’s the same API, instead of connecting to one person you connect to an array of people

• You can add people to existing sessions

• Two party sessions are peer-to-peer but the network and SDK automatically transfers you into a media mixer when you add more people

• The network manages the mixer, resources are allocated and freed automatically without the developer needing to do anything

• Developers can control the layout of the mixer output

If you have a Crocodile Talk account

• Conferencing is now supported for users of Google Chrome (Firefox support coming soon)

• Select multiple contacts to start a n-party call

• Drag contacts onto an existing call to add them

• You can leave and re-join conferences

Crocodile Talk

Create new types of application

• Crocodile Scrum (Google Chrome only for now)

– Also works on Google Chrome Android

– Mozilla Firefox support coming soon

• Truly ad-hoc, anonymous, n-party sessions

• Join us now by going to


• Join the “expo” scrum

Crocodile Scrum



Crocodile Scrum

Crocodile WebRTC SDK and Network

