Water is Life


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H 2O to YOU!

H 2O to YOU!

Water is essential for life and it is limited. Use water carefully and don’t contaminate it!

Characteristics of water:

-It is made of hydrogen and oxygen.

-It has no smell, no taste and no colour.

Water exists in 3 states: solid, liquid and gas.

In ice and snow, water is in a solid state.

In rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and groundwater, it is in a liquid state.

In the air, water is in a gaseous state, called wáter vapour.

-When we warm solid water, it changes its state to liquid or it melts. This is called MELTING.

-When we cool liquid water, it changes its state to solid or it freezes. This is called SOLIDIFICATION.

-When we warm liquid water, it changes its state to gas or it evaporates. This is called EVAPORATION.

-When we cool water vapour, it changes its state to liquid or it condenses. This is called CONDENSATION.

WATER CYCLEThe Earth has a limited amount of water. The same water keeps going around and around the planet in a process called the water cycle.

The sun warms up water in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans and it begins to evaporate.

Water vapour goes into the air.

When the vapour cools, it condenses and forms clouds..

When clouds are too heavy, the water falls as rain, snow or hailstones. This is called precipitation.

The cycle starts again. It never ends.


The fresh water comes from rain, snow and ice. You find it in lakes, rivers, ponds and groundwater. Only 1% of all water on Earth is fresh water.

Most of the water on Earth is salt water. Salt water is in seas and oceans.

A person can live weeks without food, but only about three days without water!A person can live weeks without food, but only about three days without water!

Conserving water helps to preserve the planet’s natural resources

Our oceans are sick!Our oceans are sick!

Our water is not clean!



Check for toilet leaks.

Check for toilet leaks.

Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.

Fill the washing machine.

Fill the washing machine.

Remember that what you throw down the drain , comes back in the rain!

Remember that what you throw down the drain , comes back in the rain!

Check for leaks and

turn off taps.

Check for leaks and

turn off taps.

Water your garden using bath water or dish water.

Water your garden using bath water or dish water.

Be aware

and take



1. Solid, liquid or gas?a. Rain b. Ice c. Ocean d. Water vapour e.When water vapour condenses, it is ….f. When water freezes, it is ….g. When ice melts, it is ….h. When water evaporates, it is …

2. Water Cycle. Complete the sentences:

The …. warms water in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. The water …. and goes into the air in the form of water …. . The water vapour …. and forms clouds. When the clouds get too heavy, the water falls as …., snow or hailstones. The water returns to …., lakes and seas. The …. …… never ends.

3. Answer the questions:

a) What are the 2 elements water is made of?b) What are the three characteristics of water?c)Where can we find fresh water on the Earth?d) Where is salt water on the Earth? e) Name three things you do to protect water on Earth.


1. a. liquid b. solid c. liquid d. gas e. liquid f. solid g. liquid h. gas

2. sun; evaporates; vapour; condenses; rain; rivers; water cycle.

3. a) hydrogen and oxygen b) It has no smell, no colour and no taste c) lakes, rivers, ponds and groundwater. d) seas and oceans. e) Free answers (for example, turn the taps off; have short showers; fill the washing machine).
