Using Watson to build Cognitive IoT Apps on Bluemix



Learn how IBM Watson is allowing developers to build cognitive applications in the IBM Cloud. Using the IoT foundation and Watson, the future of connected devices is staying connected in a cognitive way with smarter apps and smarter devices.

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Using Watson to Build

IoT Apps on Bluemix

Watson’s address is

Using Watson to Build

IoT Apps on Bluemix

Watson’s address is

© 2014 IBM Corporation 3


Greg Knowles

Product Manager, Smarter Infrastructure


Swami Chandrasekaran

Executive Architect, Watson Innovations


Swami’s Blog

Nathan Vega (Moderator)

Developer Engagement, IBM Bluemix


© 2014 IBM Corporation 4

Internet of Things

Greg Knowles, IBM Software Group

Product Management & Strategy, Internet of Things


© 2014 IBM Corporation 5

9 billion devices around the world are currently

connected to the Internet

The number of connected devices is expected to increase dramatically within the next decade, including many new types of connected devices, with

estimates ranging from 50 Billion devices to

1 trillion

The Internet of Things has the potential to create

economic value of $2.7 trillion to $6.2 trillion annually by 2025

Source: Disruptive Technologies, McKinsey Global Institute, May 2013

The Internet of Things is here, and growing

© 2014 IBM Corporation 6

Extend the value of goods and services

• Lock/Unlock/Find your car

• Tell me when the wash cycle is done

Monetize through new business models

• Ad-hoc car hire & sharing (e.g. Uber, Car2Go)

• Pay-as-you-drive insurance

Optimize by understanding behaviour and anticipating actions

• Appliance manufacturer understanding customer behaviour

• Improved product support & maintenance

• Smarter Supply Chain

Control and automate remote behaviour

• Home automation / remote control

• Energy Demand Management

• Smarter Cities

• Manufacturing

Key areas• Automotive• Consumer products• Energy and Utilities• Government• Healthcare• Home Automation• Insurance• Manufacturing• Transport• Oil and Gas

What is IoT being used for today?

© 2014 IBM Corporation 7

The Internet of Things is an integrated fabric of devices,

data, connections, processes and people

The Internet of Things is based on a careful balance between both the Internet

and the things within it—locally and globally, in the design lab and on the

assembly line, whether in buildings, on roads, and in our very own pockets.

I invent.

I operate.

IBM can help you design, operate and manage the things you deliver for

optimized performance. We can help you mitigate warranty costs,

minimize product recalls and gain new insight into customer use

patterns that will empower entirely new levels of product and service


IBM can help you bring things together from multiple vendors across

heterogeneous environments, optimizing the whole to deliver greater

than the sum of its parts. We deliver the insights that enable you to

reduce utility costs, optimize compliance and exceed customer

expectations. And offer exceptional levels of privacy and security.

© 2014 IBM Corporation 8

IoT solution patterns span the device lifecycle

Design & Engineer


• Develop connected products• Testing and requirements

verification• Analyze operations & maintenance

data to improve designs

• Integrate across heterogeneous devices

• Optimize processes for business outcomes

• Predict quality issues• Analyze heterogeneous


• Monitor device health• Predict failures• Manage and maintain

devices• Analyze warranty &

support data

© 2014 IBM Corporation 9

IoT solution patterns span the device lifecycle

Design & Engineer


• Develop connected products• Testing and requirements

verification• Analyze operations & maintenance

data to improve designs

• Integrate across heterogeneous devices

• Optimize processes for business outcomes

• Predict quality issues• Analyze heterogeneous


• Monitor device health• Predict failures• Manage and maintain

devices• Analyze warranty &

support data



© 2014 IBM Corporation 10

Internet of Things Foundation




Simple APIs


BuildReal Time MQTTREST

IBM® Bluemix™

A fully managed, cloud-hosted service that makes it simple to Internet of

Things (IoT) solutions

© 2014 IBM Corporation 11

IoT Foundation is part of Bluemix…and a Composable Business

IoT Foundation

IoT-related Bluemix services

Secure Device Registration, Scalable Device Connectivity, Historian, Visual wiring

Rules, Push, Geo location, Analytics, Asset management, Predictive Maintenance…

Devices & Gateways


IoT end-end solutions


Connected appliance solutions, Smarter home solutions…

Realtime MQTT APIs

© 2014 IBM Corporation 12

Getting started

© 2014 IBM Corporation 13

Examples of applying Watson Cognitive

Services in IOT Applications

Swami Chandrasekaran

Executive Architect - CTO Office

IBM Watson Innovations


© 2014 IBM Corporation 14

Anatomy of an IoT Solution / Application - Setting Context

Devices / Sensors


Connectivity Management

Data Ingestion & Streaming Analytics

Data at Rest Analytics

Cognitive Services


Platform &



& Devices

Systems Integration

Makers of Things

Providers of


Users of Things



IoT Cloud


stitching the




© 2014 IBM Corporation 15

Until now, access to Watson services has been limited. Today,

the barriers are gone…What will you do with Watson?

© 2014 IBM Corporation 16

User Modeling


Big Data & AnalyticsAnalytics Exploration

CurationLocal Data Sources


PolicyDecisionEngagementDiscovery Partner-created

IBM Watson Services on Bluemix

Language Identification

Machine Translation

Concept Expansion

Message Resonance


Relationship Extraction

Visualization Rendering

Cloud Data Sources

Watson Developer Cloud Services are the basis for Watson


© 2014 IBM Corporation 17

8 services are available today with more on the way

User Modeling

Personality profiling to help engage users on their own terms.

Language Identification

Identifies the language in which text is written

Machine Translation

Globalize on the fly. Translate text from one language to another.

Concept Expansion

Maps euphemisms or colloquial terms to more commonly understood phrases

Message Resonance

Communicate with people with a style and words that suits them

Question Answer

Direct responses to users inquiries fueled by primary document sources

Relationship Extraction

Intelligently finds relationships between sentences components (nouns, verbs, subjects, objects, etc.)

Visualization Rendering

Graphical representations of data analysis for easier understanding

© 2014 IBM Corporation 18

Cognitive Enabled IoT Apps / Solutions – Art of the Possible

Device Registration & ConnectivityConnectivity | Awareness | Security & Privacy | Asset mgmt

API Management

Big Data Analytics

Streaming | Batch Analytics

Data servicesHistorian | File | Archive

OrchestrationMediation | Composition | Rules

Connected Car Digital Life Smarter Cities Smarter Care

Cognitive Services Platform

DecideInterpret & EvaluateObserve

Models | Annotations | Content | Tools

© 2014 IBM Corporation 19

Meet Rosy

• Recently purchased and installed a

smarter thermostat

• Very savvy smart phone user

• She has a question about restricting

only authorized users to be able to

configure & access the thermostat

• Has a smart phone app that allows

her to pose questions in natural

language and have a

conversational dialogCorpusProduct


Q&A Dialog


using NL

Integrate via API

I need to restrict the access to modify certain capabilities in the thermostat. How can set it up?

© 2014 IBM Corporation 20

Meet Zhang

• Remotely monitored patient

• Can use an app to interact with his healthcare providers

• English not first language

• Need for understanding nuances in his less than formal communications

• Concept Expansion service returns a ranked list of contextually similar terms

• Learned from the provided 'seed list' against the Zhang’s interaction history

Seed ListInteraction


Concept Expansion


using NL


Integrate via API

© 2014 IBM Corporation 21

Demo – User Modeled Radio

Swami Chandrasekaran

Executive Architect - CTO Office

IBM Watson Innovations


© 2014 IBM Corporation 22

What is Watson User Modeling?

• Use linguistic analytics to extract personality and social traits, including

Big 5, Values, and Needs, from the way that a person communicates.

• Analyze any digital footprint that the user makes available, such as

email, text messages, tweets, forum posts, and more.

• Leverage cognitive and social characteristics with their corresponding

percentile values as the basis for analyzing personality and social traits.

• Can be used anywhere improving customer engagement for an

organization differentiate itself and also drive personality-driven

engagements (offers, recommendations etc.)

© 2014 IBM Corporation 23

Consider this Scenario for a moment….

• Meet John Smith

• Very vocal person and

maintains a strong digital


• Has a long day at work !!

• Tweets with certain emotions

and walks to his car

2. Walk to Car

1. Tweets before

leaving work

© 2014 IBM Corporation 24

What if John Smith’s Connected Car app understood

him at a deeper level including the current state of his


© 2014 IBM Corporation 25

Now reconsider this Scenario again ….

• Meet John Smith

• Very vocal person and maintains a strong digital


• Has a long day at work !!

• Tweets with certain emotions and walks to his car

• The Connected Car app in his car has done a

psychographic analysis of his tweets using Watson

User Modeling

• User Modeling service provides the Big 5, Values,

and Needs characteristics & associated values

• Connected Car app recommends or auto-tunes to

track / radio channel that would be appropriate

• Could potentially suggest the app other car settings

incl seat adjustment, air conditioning, max speed

limit *

User Modeling

Share Location &


Walk to Car






© 2014 IBM Corporation 26





Drivers Connected Car App

Responsive Front-end (View)(HTML5, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery)

Node.js (Controller)(HTML5, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery)








Deploy &

Manage Code


RESTful Communication

User Modeling (driver’s

psychographic model)

Twitter API8tracks Fetch driver



Search for

radio stationsAngularJS Template AngularJS Controller

Architecture of the User Modeled Radio App

© 2014 IBM Corporation 27

User Modeled Radio – Connected Car App

© 2014 IBM Corporation 28

User Modeled Radio – Connected Car App

Radio tracks / station from 8tracks played

based on User Modeling


Extracted Tweets from the driver

Watson User Modeling

characteristics & values

Explanation for why the track / station was selected from 8tracks

© 2014 IBM Corporation 29

Visual depiction of the flow **

** Not implemented in Node-RED. Meant to convey the concept.

© 2014 IBM Corporation 30

Get hands on fast!

• Get a Bluemix account

• Try the Watson services free of charge for 30 days

• Take the next step toward further development or production deployment

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IBM Bluemix

IBM Watson

IBM Internet of Things

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