UrbanIxD Summer School - notes by Attila Bujdosó



Last week I was invited to participate the UrbanIxD Advisory Board Workshop that run parallel to UrbanIxD Summer School. With talks of Liam Young lecturer at Princeton and AA, Susa Pop director of Media Facades Festival 2010, Andrew Shoben and Platforma 9,81's Dinko Peračić, the event was a good opportunity to meet and network with people interested in the field of urban interaction design. Why I particularly enjoyed being present at the event is that urban interaction design concerns interaction between people and urban technologies, to which, in my interpretation, politics and social decision making processes and more broadly social co-existence and collaboration belong. Photo credits http://www.flickr.com/groups/urbanixdsummerschool/

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Research of, and Design for, the point of contact between

people and urban technologies

Research of, and Design for, the point of contact between

people and urban technologies

“Urban design is by default interactive

Yiorgios Papamanousakis

Dinko PeračićPlatforma 9.81

“Urban media facades

are like back holes they constantly need

to be fed with content.Susa Pop

Urban Media Network2013 - Networked City2014 - Participatory City2015 - Visible City

static being of built infrastructure


temporariness ofdigital mediums

“Urban media facades are inherently publicand this means they

call for public artworks.

Andrew ShobenGreyworld

“New media projects

which start from technology are all the

same and boring.Andrew Shoben (Greyworld)

Nicolas Nova: Design Fiction

Near Future Laboratory

“A good science

fiction story should be able to predict

not the automobile but the traffic jam

Frederik Pohl

A Digital Tomorrow http://vimeo.com/48204264

“Every good innovation ends up at the corner

convenience store.

Corner Conveniencehttp://vimeo.com/37870061

Corner Conveniencehttp://vimeo.com/37870061

“No one cares about what you think,

unless you do what you think.

No one cares what you do, unless you think about what you do.

No one ever really cares what you say.

Jack Schulze