Up and Running with Twitter Bootstrap: Refresh Boston, January 2013



Bootstrap, a front-end development framework created by two Twitter developers, has enjoyed rapid adoption. Based on HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery, Bootstrap allows you to create responsive websites quickly, while still allowing for plenty of customization of code. In this session, Jen Kramer will walk you through Bootstrap, including where to get it, how to integrate it into a website, and how to build your first page using Bootstrap tools and techniques. Key learning points include: - Understanding what Bootstrap is and why it's being adopted - Learning how to download and install Bootstrap - Introducing Bootstrap's responsive, fluid grid system for creating mobile-compatible layouts - Examining some of the built-in behaviors, including collapsible navigation bars, dropdown menus, image carousels, and more - Customizing Bootstrap - Examples of sites built with Bootstrap

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Jen Kramer • Refresh Boston • January 17, 2013

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Smartphone sales to hit 1bn a year for first time in 2013

“The smartphone is predicted to become a mass market phenomenon this year, with annual shipments soaring to 1bn globally for the first time, although a fifth of the devices will rarely be used to go online.”

“In 2013…the number of active phones with either a touch screen or an alphabet keyboard to 2bn by the end of the year.”

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org


www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Build a separate mobile-compatible website or mobile app (or both)

Responsive Design Which is better? It Depends.

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Defined by three characteristics o Flexible grid-based layout o Images that resize o Media queries (CSS3)


www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Twitter Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating websites and web applications.

It is the most popular project in GitHub and is used by NASA and MSNBC among others.


www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Two grid-based systems, one adaptive, one fully responsive Base CSS includes standardized styling for forms, buttons,

images, headings, navigation systems, etc. jQuery-driven components include dropdown menus, tooltips,

popovers, alerts, image carousel, accordion panels, etc.

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

HTML: Can use XHTML or HTML5. CSS: Minified CSS, one or two files. Uses LESS. Javascript: One minified file, plus link to the latest version of

jQuery Images: Glyphicons (140 available) as image sprite, light and

dark versions Documentation available: getbootstrap.com

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Joomla (open source CMS) integrated Bootstrap into version 3. Bootstrap available as 3rd party extension for Joomla 2.5. http://www.joostrap.com/built-with-joomla-bootstrap-website-showcase

Bootstrap unofficial showcase A few big names:

o State of Kentucky o Breaking News (NBC) o code.NASA (with WordPress) o Pinstagram

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Jen Kramer Waltham, MA Phone: 802-257-2657 jen@jenkramer.org www.jenkramer.org Twitter: @jen4web Facebook: facebook.com/webdesignjen

www.jenkramer.org • jen@jenkramer.org

Slides available at www.slideshare.net/jen4web Code files available at: www.jenkramer.org/refreshboston.zip