Unique Network Solutions



Unique Networks provide IT solutions that not only keep businesses running but help them grow through the strategic use and application of IT systems.

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Unique Network Solutions

Darren Bartlett

Born in 2002 aged 60.

13 employees

Business built on recommendation and references

Confidence in the current provider due to lack of response.

Need for business consultancy and advice on I.T.

Collaboration users and Remote Offices.

Pro-active support and monitoring

Reasons Businesses look for new IT Support relationships

Making Technology Work for you!

24hr Monitoring. No holidays, no sick.

Quarterly Business Review and planning.

Secure Off-site Backup.

24hr Monitoring. No holidays, no sick.

Quarterly Business Review and planning.

Secure Off-site Backup.

Upgrades (10% of estate) Issue Resolution

All on site Support

Cloud Computing

How can we put a DR solution in place? Tell me ore about CRM and how it could

assist us? Cloud computing. What is it and can it

benefit us?

Advice line

No surprises…..ever. Any user on any device.

All for a fixed monthly fee

So Why Unique??

SuperOffice CRM

What our Clients Say

I am aware your engineers have been pulled from every angle this week with queries from many of us and wanted to say that the process has been handled very well. They have been helpful throughout with good communication.  The changeover has gone very smoothly from our angle in Head Office and I felt it would be good to let you know.” Woodlands Schools Ltd.

“I’m really impressed with your service and when I’ve had a problem the response from your support guys has been fantastic!!”Hagon Products

“As a firm we feel very lucky to be involved with firms such as Unique. We appreciate the service and advice that you have given us over the years and look forward to continuing this in the future.Thank you from me as well as you make my job easier”Symons and Gay Solicitors

Let’s have a coffee

Call 020 8500 3300

Email dbartlett@uniquenetworks.co.uk

Web: www.uniquenetworks.co.uk
