Umbra Ignite 2015: Jérémy Virga – Dishonored 2 rendering engine architecture overview – moving...


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Dishonored 2 rendering engine architecture overview

Jérémy  Virga,  Arkane  Studios  (  Lyon  /  France)  

Intro Why  we’re  doing  this  ?  (except  because  programmers  want  to  have  fun…)  

Where  we  come  from

         •  Only  one  thread  generaIng  GPU  commands  (mono  context)  •  SynchronizaIon  point  to  exchange  data  •  ONen  leaves  underused  CPU  cores  

MainThread   Game  logic  (N)   sync   Game  logic    (N+1)   sync   Game  logic    (N+2)   …  

RenderThread   Rendering  (N-­‐1)   Rendering  (N)   Rendering  (N+1)  

…  One  frame  

Where  we  want  to  go


•  SequenIal  but  spread  on  all  cores  •  Removes  an  extra  frame  latency  &  data  copies  

•  Requires  both  game  logic  and  rendering  completely  mulIthreaded  

MainThread   …   Game  logic  (N)   RenderLoop  (tasks  creaIon  &  submit)  (N)   …  

Worker1   Task   Task   Task  


Task   Task   Task  

Worker2   Task  Task   Task   Task   Task  

Worker3   Task  Task  Task   Task   Task  

Worker4   Task   Task  


Task   Task   Task   Task  

Worker5   Task   Task   Background  task  

…  One  frame  

Where  we  want  to  go

 Let’s  focus  on  rendering  part…  

MainThread   …   Game  logic   RenderLoop  (tasks  creaIon  &  submit)   …  

Worker1   Task   Task   Task  


Task   Task   Task  

Worker2   Task  Task   Task   Task   Task  

Worker3   Task  Task  Task   Task   Task  

Worker4   Task   Task  


Task   Task   Task   Task  

Worker5   Task   Task   Background  task  


Where  we  want  to  go  (2)  :  Scheduling

MainThread   …   RenderLoop  (N)   …  

Worker1   Shadow  1   Post-­‐FX  

Worker2   Opaque   Shadow  2  

Worker3   Z-­‐prepass   Alpha  


GPU  (N-­‐?)   …   Shadow  1   Shadow  2   Z  Prepass   Opaque   Alpha   Post-­‐FX   …  

Tasks  generaIng  GPU  commands  

“pure-­‐cpu”  Tasks    (no  graphic  context)  

GPU  execuIon  

•  CPU  execuIon  ordering  to  solve  read/write  data  dependencies  •  MulI  GPU  contexts  to  generate  GPU  commands  from  any  thread  in  parallel  

•  Each  non  “pure-­‐cpu”  task  generates  a  «  local  »  command  buffer  •  Fine  scheduling  control:  CPU  execuIon  (commands  recording)  should  be  driven  independently  from  GPU  frame  

order  requirements  (commands  replay)  

Where  we  want  to  go  (2)  :  Scheduling

MainThread   …   RenderLoop  (N)   …  

Worker1   Shadow  1   Post-­‐FX  

Worker2   Opaque   Shadow  2  

Worker3   Z-­‐prepass   Alpha  


GPU  (N-­‐?)   …   Shadow  1   Shadow  2   Z  Prepass   Opaque   Alpha   Post-­‐FX   …  

Tasks  generaIng  GPU  commands  

“pure-­‐cpu”  Tasks    (no  graphic  context)  

GPU  execuIon  

•  CPU  execuIon  ordering  to  solve  read/write  data  dependencies  •  MulI  GPU  contexts  to  generate  GPU  commands  from  any  thread  in  parallel  

•  Each  non  “pure-­‐cpu”  task  generates  a  «  local  »  command  buffer  •  Fine  scheduling  control:  CPU  execuIon  (commands  recording)  should  be  driven  independently  from  GPU  frame  

order  requirements  (commands  replay)  

VoidEngine  &  Dishonored  2  rendering  facts

•  Environments/architecture  created  from  small  blocks  +  more  details  than  previous  game  Ø Lot  of  objects  to  process,  Thousands  of  draw  calls  

•  Instanced  batch  draws  Ø batches  generated  based  on  visibility  results  from  Umbra  

•  Dedicated  culling  for  shadow  casters  •  Lot  of  shadow  casIng  lights,  all  dynamic  with  cache  system,  nothing  pre-­‐baked  

•  Several  passes  •  Z  prepass  for  opaque,  separate  Z  prepass  for  alpha,  

Tiled  forward  shading  with  PBR,  extra  passes  dedicated  to  effects,  etc…  

•  In-­‐house  indirect  lighIng  system  &  IBL  cubemaps  network  •  …  

VoidEngine  &  Dishonored  2  rendering  facts

•  Lot  of  «  almost-­‐independent  »  passes,  lot  of  data,  lot  of  work.  • Became  a  mess  to  organize,  mulIthreading  will  make  it  worst.  

• Over  performances,  ideal  architecture  requirements  are:  •  User-­‐friendly:  Easy  to  setup  and  insert  new  work.  •  Readable:  Easy  to  understand  &  follow  frame  sequence  •  Modular:  Easy  to  organize/rearrange/split/remove  passes  &  work  

 …but  you  know  world  is  not  ideal.  So  let’s  try  to  make  it  not  too  ugly  ;)  

Split  the  renderLoop Rendering  task  setup  

Rendering  task  setup:  dependencies

•  Two  singular  dependency  kinds  •  «  CPU  dependencies  »  for  execuIon  scheduling  /  data  synchronizaIon  

•  -­‐>  most  criIcal  for  performances,  could  create  «  holes  »  in  the  execuIon  Imeline  •  «  GPU  dependencies  »  for  submissions  ordering  

•  -­‐>  very  small  performance  impact  in  general,  required  to  have  consistent  GPU  frame  but  doesn’t  affect  CPU  parallelism  

 Task  A   Task  B   Task  C  

Task  A  

Task  B  

Task  C  

“CPU”  dependencies   “GPU”  dependencies  

Rendering  task  setup:  in/out

•  Explicit  input/output  declaraIons  •  object  lists  •  render  targets  read/write  •  Buffers  •  random  user  data  •  etc…  

Task  A  

• RT  • RT  • Render  list  

Task  B  

• RT  • buffer  

Task  C  

• RT  • User  data  

Rendering  task  setup  (2):  chaining

•  Explicit  task  chaining:  input  could  comes  from  another  task  output  •  used  for  automaIc  dependencies  checking  •  Helps  for  readability  &  code  maintenance.  Could  remove  a  task  with  limited  code  modificaIon.  

Task  A  

•  RT  0  (out)  

Task  B  

•  RT  0  from  B  (in)  •  RT  1  (out)  

Task  C  

•  RT  1  from  C  (in)  

Rendering  task  setup  (2):  chaining

•  Skipped  condiIon  •  a  task  could  be  skipped  by  runIme  depending  on  execuIon  context  (skipped  effect,  etc…)  Ø   scheduler  will  automaIcally  fix  chaining  

Task  A  

• RT  0  (out)  

Task  C  

• RT  1  from  C  (in)  RT  0  from  A  

Task  B  

• RT  0  from  B  (in)  • RT  1  (out)  

Rendering  task  setup  (3):  advanced  opFons

•  «  Background  »  task:  low  priority,  render  loop  doesn’t  wait  for  it  at  end  of  frame  •  Submiqed  on  a  next  frame  if  not  ready  

•  «  forced  immediate  »  task:  actually  executed  inline  during  submission  •  Uses  the  main  “immediate”  graphic  context  •  To  workaround  graphic  middleware  or  plarorm  specific  API  limitaIons  •  Keeps  frame  ordering  consistency  

Spreading  the  world:  AddiFonal  helpers

•  Supports  spawn  of  new  tasks  from  another  one  •  -­‐>MulIple  producers,  mulIple  consumers  scheduling  •  RunAsync(  …  );    

•  To  convert  any  piece  of  code  into  asynchronous  call  •  ParallelFor(…);  

•  To  split  processing  on  several  workers  in  just  one  line  of  code  •  Interface  similar  to  Intel  TBB[1],  MicrosoN  PPL[2],  …  

•  RenderPass  •  EncapsulaIon  of  several  tasks  sharing  dependencies  and/or  inputs.  •  Scheduling  sIll  fully  flexible  at  task-­‐level  •  E.g.  each  shadow  slice/part  is  a  task,  encapsulated  into  only  one  shadow  pass.  

Rendering  task  examples

• Umbra  visibility  jobs  (cpu)  • Drawing  batches  gathering/sorIng  (cpu)  •  Lights  sorIng  (cpu)  • DirecIonal  shadow  cascades  draws  (cpu/gpu)  •  Local  (point/spot/area  light)  shadows  update  (cpu/gpu)  • Opaque  pass  draws  (cpu/gpu)  • Alpha  pass  draws  (cpu/gpu)  • …  etc  ~50-­‐70  tasks  currently  (~half  are  cpu/gpu)  

Results,  issues  &  guidelines


• We  got  ~40-­‐60%  renderLoop  duraIon  Ime  saved  on  first  draN  (on  6-­‐8  cores  hardware)  •  Excellent  results  on  latest  consoles.  SIll  improving  over  SDK  updates  •  We  are  expecIng  the  best  results  on  latest  PC  APIs  (Mantle/DX12/Vulkan)    

• We  improved  those  results  significantly  by  tweaking  tasks  (see  guidelines)  •  we  have  to  do  that  constantly  during  game  development  as  things  are  moving  

• MulItask  overhead  VS  overall  performances  •  Scheduling  cost,  submission  cost  •  Cache  misses  easier  to  raise  (when  cache  is  shared  through  cores)  •  You  should  sIll  get  benefits    


• NOT  for  every  environment:    •  PC  D3D11,  efforts  were  made  on  some  recent  drivers,  but  result  depends  on  IHV  (independent  hardware  vendor)  •  From  really  good  improvements  to  horrible  performances  loss  •  Could  rely  on  D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_THREADING::DriverCommandLists  with  recent  drivers  

•  We  fallback  on  an  hybrid  mode  when  not  correctly  supported  •  only  pure-­‐cpu  tasks  are  parallelized,  gpu-­‐tasks  run  on  just  one  worker,  with  only  one  graphic  context.  

•  Gpu  dependencies  converted  to  cpu  ones  to  keep  frame  ordering  consistency  


• …easy  to  break  rendering  with  random  arIfacts  hard  to  understand.  • We  developed  in-­‐house  debug  tools  &  commands  

•  Could  switch  on  the  fly  to  single  threaded  execuIon  •  Could  display  on-­‐screen  intermediate  task’s  RT  outputs  •  ExecuIon  Imeline  recording  •  Could  record  submissions  ordering  of  a  buggy  frame  and  replay  it  •  Dependency  graphs  generaIon  

•  …  sIll  evolving  

Issue  example:  the  «  renaming  »  case

Update  a  dynamic  GPU  resource  on  task  A.    Use  it  in  a  command  buffer  in  task  B  

•  Doesn’t  require  an  extra  CPU  dependency  between  them.  From  the  CPU,  execuIng  update(A)  before,  during  or  aNer  binding(B)  is  completely  valid.  

 MainThread   …   RenderLoop   …  

Worker1   A  (update)  

Worker2   B  (binding)  


Issue  example:  the  «  renaming  »  case

•  On  PC  D3D11,  driver  handles  this  for  you  •  On  update,  it  «  renames  »  the  resource  =  it  creates  another  copy  version  •  On  binding  use,  it  adds  «  split  point  »  in  the  command  buffer  each  Ime  the  actual  copy  version  behind  a  dynamic  resource  is  unknown  (=  not  updated  within  the  same  local  command  buffer).  

•  On  submission,  it  patches  all  the  split  points  of  the  command  buffer  according  to  other  preceding  submissions  •  -­‐>  bad  performances  overhead  !  

•  On  consoles  &  new  PC  APIs:  manual  management  •  Much  more  efficient  •  Requires  your  knowledge  of  the  actual  renamed  «  version  »  to  use  in  the  binding  task(B)  •  -­‐>  Input/output  task  chaining  gives  that  


To  be  conFnued:  guidelines

• Bench  it  !  •  Use  low-­‐level  profiling  tools  to  observe  stalls,  holes  in  the  Imeline,  preempIon  •  PC:  MicrosoN  Concurrency  Visualizer  [3],  …  

•  Improve  work  split  /  CPU  dependencies  to  prevent  holes  /  improve  code  paqerns  to  prevent  CPU  stalls  /  etc….  will  increase  results  significantly  •  Be  careful  to  not  have  too  many  thread  context  switches.  •  Tweak  core  affiniIes  of  your  tasks  (consoles)  •  Granularity  of  split:  overhead  vs  performance  gain  

To  be  conFnued:  next  steps

• Use  extra  GPU  engine  (Asynchronous  compute,  DMA,  …)  to  also  improve  GPU  parallelism  –  consoles  &  new  PC  APIs  only  •  Re-­‐use  tasks  GPU  dependencies  to  manage  GPU  queues  synchronizaIons  

•  Thinking  about  a  system  allowing  tasks  generaIng  very  small  command  buffers  to  give  it  to  another  task  at  the  end,  instead  of  registering  for  submission  directly.    •  -­‐>  hard  to  manage  correctly  submission  ordering  

QuesFons  ?


Bonus  slide:  kill  mutexes

• Mutexes  are  your  nemesis.  •  There  is  oNen  a  more  efficient  paqern  or  primiIve  to  avoid  using  them.  •  Use  spin  lock  when  you  know  the  lock  duraIon  Ime  is  really  small  •  Use  lockless  queues,  etc…  •  Pre-­‐allocate  containers  and  use  them  with  atomic  indexes  increment  •  Use  Read/Write  mutex  when  you  know  there  are  much  more  read  than  write  on  the  data  (several  concurrent  reads  allowed,  exclusive  write)  •  Use  thread  local  storage  in  code  called  concurrently    •  …  

Bonus  slide:  scheduler  implementaFon  details

•  RenderLoop  •  (A)  For  each  Task,  PushTask()  

•  readyToStart  (CPU  dependencies  +  task  not  skipped  by  runIme)  &&  there’s  an  available  worker  ?  •  Send  signal  to  the  worker  

•  else  •  Place  in  queue  

•  (B)  Wait  for  a  pending  task  submission.  •  (C)  For  each  pending  submission  

•  readyToSubmit  (GPU  dependencies)  ?  •  Send  command  buffer  to  GPU  queue  •  Release/Recycle  it  (plarorm  dependent)  

•  Repeat  (B)  and  (C)  unIl  all  frame  tasks  are  completed  &  submiqed  –  except  for  “background”  tasks    


Bonus  slide:  scheduler  implementaFon  details

• Worker  •  (A)  Wait  for  a  task  readyToStart  signal  •  (B)  If  the  task  requires  command  buffer,  assign  it  a  graphic  context  •  (C)  Execute  the  task  •  (D)  Close  the  command  buffer  •  (E)  Place  task  into  pending  submission  queue  if  command  buffer  actually  filled  •  (D)  check  for  any  other  available  task  to  run  in  scheduler  queue    

•  return  to  (B)  else  return  to  (A)  

Bonus  slide:  Concurrency  Visualizer •  Low-­‐level:  catch  CPU  core  stalls,  memory  management,  preempIon,  sleep,  IO  

•  Blocking  &  unblocking  call  stacks  

•  Timings  

•  Markers  API  to  make  it  readable  

•  Observe  context  switches  





Catch  context  switches  


Bonus  slide:  parallelFor  sample

Bonus  slide:  chaining  sample


•  [1]  Intel  Threading  Building  Blocks  (library)  hqps://  •  [2]  MicrosoN  Parallel  Paqerns  Library  hqps://­‐us/library/vstudio/dd492418.aspx  •  [3]  MicrosoN  Concurrency  Visualizer  (PC  profiling  tool)  

•  Bundled  with  Visual  Studio  2012  •  OpIonal  extension  since  2013  hqps://­‐fcc2-­‐423f-­‐b811-­‐f16f3fa3af7a  
