Twitter voicethread




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Microblogging- information in 140 characters or less

Why Tweet?

Share information with multiple users

Why Tweet?

Share information with multiple users

Breaking news- in real time

Collaborate on projects

Why Tweet?

Share information with multiple users

Breaking news- in real time

Collaborate on projects

Because your students are!!

Twitter Vocabulary

Handle: Twitter username- @PTHSLibrary

Hashtag: any topic preceded by a # symbol used as a search term called “trending topics”- popular terms URL: shortens URLs for Tweets  RT (retweet)- post another’s tweet on your twitter feed

DM (Direct Message)- send a private message to another user

Twitter in the ClassroomWhat should I tweet?

All classes:Classroom news, “homework tweetline”Discussions about a topicSearch for information about a topic

Astronomy/Science- have students follow an astronaut

English/Creative Writing/Music- summarize a work

Math- tweet word problems

Make sure to establish guidelines and standards of communication

Twitter Questions?

Voicethread Online software similar to photostory

Allows users to upload images and then comment

Create an interactive discussion on a topic


Using Voicethread

Voicethread in the ClassroomPresentations

Collaborative student projects

Promote online learning with “an emotional connection” (Michelle Pacansky-Brock, online learning educator)

Signing up for accountsTeachers can sign up

for an Educator’s account

Have students create personal accounts

Share your voicethread with students

Start conversing!

Voicethread Questions?Let’s play!


Check out the PTlibTech Wiki for resources on Twitter and Voicethread :
