Twitter Cheat Sheet




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Twitter 101 – A Cheat Sheet


Tweet: A post of no more than 140 characters that can include links, @ replies or plain text.

Retweet (RT): To repost something that someone else already posted. Usually preceded by “RT” and “@[username],” to give credit to the original poster.

Follow: To subscribe to a Twitter user’s tweets.

Follower: A Twitter user who subscribes to your tweets.

Tweep: A fellow Twitter user.

@ Reply: A direct tweet sent to another Twitter user

Hashtag: The # sign. Allows Twitter users to group tweets by topic, making it easier to search particular conversations using Twitter Search.

TweetUp: An in-person meeting of Twitter users.

Top 5 Career Advice Accounts

@DanSchawbel – Founder of the Personal Branding Blog and author of Me 2.0

@Keppie_Careers – Professional career coach and columnist with years of experience in corporate America

@AskaManager – Nationally syndicated career expert for US News & World Report, HR specialist and author of the very popular Ask a Manager blog

@ValueIntoWords – Master Resume Writer and career strategist helping job seekers with career transitions

@WSJcareers – Career news and information from the Wall Street Journal

How to Follow an Account 1. Sign up for Twitter.

2. Find accounts you’d like to follow (start with the ones above).

3. Visit the profile you’d like to follow, and click “Follow” directly below the profile picture.
