Top 10 Linux Commands


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Builds, installs, veri�es, updates, and erases individual software packages

Searches �les for speci�c pattern of characters

Displays last portion of a �le (typically last 10 lines of �le are displayed); great

tool for debugging

Used to display manual pages for commands, con�guration �les, and

programming interfaces (info useful for commands unique to Linux)

Displays list of process info that’s dynamically updated; also provides info on

overall processor and memory utilization

Navigates through directory tree of Linux OS

Modi�es time stamps on indicated �leProvides list of contents in current directory

Locates �les based on a number of arguments

Changes permission �le mode bits on �les and directories

Builds, installs, veri�es, updates, and erases individual software packages

Searches �les for speci�c pattern of characters

Displays last portion of a �le (typically last 10 lines of �le are displayed); great

tool for debugging

Used to display manual pages for commands, con�guration �les, and

programming interfaces (info useful for commands unique to Linux)

Displays list of process info that’s dynamically updated; also provides info on

overall processor and memory utilization

Navigates through directory tree of Linux OS

Modi�es time stamps on indicated �leProvides list of contents in current directory

Locates �les based on a number of arguments

Changes permission �le mode bits on �les and directories