The Restlet Framework, Part II



More on restlet, using the restlet-contactservice example system.

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The Restlet Framework, Part II:


Philip JohnsonCollaborative Software Development

LaboratoryInformation and Computer Sciences

University of Hawaii


Agenda Restlet Concepts:•Operations:



Restlet-DateService:•Download distribution•Command line usage•build.xml•The server-side code•The client-side code• JUnit tests + Jacoco•Building the jars


In our last episode Restlet-timeservice•Only implements GET•Data passed is simple strings•Uses only the core restlet jar file.


A contact service Server supports addition, deletion, and retrieval of "contacts".

Contacts are objects with the following fields:•First Name•Last Name•Info•Unique ID

The system represents Contacts two ways:•As Java classes•As XML


System structure org.hawaii.contactservice.server•Server-specific code (in server jar file)

org.hawaii.contactservice.client•Client-specific code (in client jar file)

org.hawaii.contactservice.common•Code for both client and server (in both jars)


Playing with the system Using jar files:•Run server jar file in one command shell•Send/retrieve contact data using client jar file in another shell.

Using ant commands:•Compile, run unit tests, see coverage, build jar files.

Using Eclipse:•Inspect code, invoke unit tests.


On to the demo.
