The Market Opportunity for Energy Improvements


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Gain a sustainable advantage 1

Tennessee Energy Education Initiative Telephone Study

Gain a sustainable advantage 2 2


Shelton Group conducted a comprehensive survey of Tennessee businesses in selected industries in order to :

•  Assess overall awareness of energy efficiency, behavior drivers, and attitudes related to energy efficiency improvements

•  Determine which types of energy efficiency improvements have been completed and which they think they need/plan to do

•  Determine motivations for conducting energy efficiency improvements

•  Gauge reaction to the program and financing options

•  Validate the best targets and measures to prioritize with each

Gain a sustainable advantage 3 3


•  Telephone study of TN organizations in selected industries (see next slide for distribution of interviews by industry)

•  Sample list initially pulled from Hoovers database, and supplemented with lists from Hoovers Premier and MelissaData

•  To qualify for the study, respondents had to be primary decision makers or influencers for energy-related facility improvement

•  Interviewing conducted May 6–30, 2013

•  Average interview length of 11 minutes

•  200 completes with margin of error +/- 7.1%

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Distribution of Interviews by Industry (Key sectors determined by secondary analysis)

Industry Sector # Completes % Total Automotive 6 3% Healthcare 30 15% Private education 30 15% Real estate 8 4% Transportation and logistics 15 8% Wholesale distribution 20 10% Chemicals and plastics 10 5% Hotels and motels 7 4% Food manufacturing 5 3%

Subtotal Tier 1 Sectors: 131 65% Restaurants (location owned) 3 2% Business Services - accounting, legal, marketing, architectural, etc. 26 13% Technology and science 10 5% Retail 30 15%

Subtotal of Targeted Tier 2 Sectors: 69 35% Grand total: 200 100%

Gain a sustainable advantage 5 5

Organization characteristics

East 40%

Middle 38%

West 23%



Locally 89%

Nationally 10%

Internationally 1%

Decision Making

57% 26%

7% 10% One

Two-Four Five-Nine 10+



33% 10 to 49 50 to 99 100+

Organization Characteristics

Number of Facilities in TN Number of Employees

*Median sq ft = 36k




17% 16%

Less than 2.5k

2.5-10k 10-50k 50-100k 100k+

Square Footage

Own 71%

Lease 29%

% Own vs. Lease Facility

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Average Age: 52

Respondent Characteristics

Influencer 47%

Decision Maker 53% Male 76%

Female 24%


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Executive Summary

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Importance of Energy Conservation

•  Eight out of ten organizations consider energy consumption/conservation important to daily business purchase choices and activities.

•  Respondents in organizations with more than one facility were more likely to consider energy consumption and conservation important than those with only one facility (83% vs. 73%).

•  In contrast, organizations in newer facilities (less than five years old) were more likely to consider energy consumption and conservation unimportant than those with older facilities (38% vs. 5%).

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Energy Efficiency of Current Facilities

•  About two-thirds of the TN organizations surveyed consider their current facility(ies) energy efficient.

–  Regionally, organizations in East TN (75%) and Middle TN (63%) were more likely to consider their facilities energy efficient than those in West TN (51%).

–  Organizations in facilities over 20 years old were more likely to consider their facilities inefficient than those with newer facilities (19% vs. 3%).

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Energy Efficiency Improvement Activities

•  Average number of completed EE improvements per organization: 3.3

–  Facility owners were more likely to have made EE improvements than leasers (3.6 vs. 2.8)

–  Companies with multiple facilities have done more (3.5) vs. those with one facility (3.2)

–  Average EE Updates by Sector:

•  Education (4.3)

•  Manufacturing & Distribution (3.4)

•  Business Services (3.1)

•  Healthcare (3.1)

•  Hospitality/Retail (3.0)

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Energy-Related Priorities

•  While 11 of the 13 industries surveyed considered lighting a priority, more than half also listed HVAC as a top energy priority.

•  Organizational improvements generally paralleled industry priorities, with 76% of those surveyed reporting that they have already installed lighting improvements, and 56% having installed a more efficient mechanical or HVAC system.

•  Energy management, insulation, and renewable energy top the list of activities that companies recognize they need to do.

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Top Motivators/Drivers

•  “Spending less on energy and more on other priorities” and “save money” are the top reasons cited for participating in energy-related improvements.

–  Facilities that were 20+ years old were less likely to select “save money” than were newer facilities (22% vs. 39%).

–  Regionally, organizations in West TN (42%) and Middle TN (31%) were more likely to select “save money” than those in East TN (19%).

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Key Challenges/Barriers

•  Overall, “lack of budgets/funds” and “lack of time/too busy/other priorities” top the list of challenges/barriers.

–  When it comes to size, however, facilities that were under 50k square footage were more likely to say their organization “isn’t sure what to do to save more energy” than were larger organizations (30% vs. 8%).

–  In addition, influencers were more likely to say “implementing energy-related improvements is too complicated, inconvenient, and/or too disruptive” than were decision makers (23% vs. 12%).

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Reaction to Funding Options

•  When asked, “If there was a program that offered 5-year loans with a 2% interest rate for energy-related improvements and retrofit projects ranging from $20,000 to $5 million, how would this impact your plans for facility improvement?,” 37% of TN organizations reported they would be more likely to complete facility improvements if they were offered this program.

•  In addition, when asked, “If there were a program that offered 10-year loans with a 5% interest rate for solar generation systems, how would this impact your plans for installing such a system?,” 26% of TN organizations indicate they would be more likely to install solar if this program was offered to them.

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Detailed Findings

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Organizational Characteristics

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Geographic distribution of interviews closely matched regional patterns for focus industries

East 40%

Middle 38%

West 23%


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The majority of organizations surveyed were housed in a single facility within Tennessee.






Don't know / Not sure

Ten or more

Five to nine

Two to four


Q7 - How many facilities / locations does your organization have in Tennessee?


While not statistically significant, we observed that organizations in the following industries were more likely to have multiple locations: •  Food manufacturing •  Healthcare •  Real estate

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Decision making for energy-related improvements primarily occurs locally.




Internationally - by decision makers in another country

Nationally - by out-of-state decision makers

Locally - by TN owners / decision makers

Q8 - Where would the decision-making for energy-related improvements for your organization primarily occur?


Organizations in the hotel industry were more likely to say decision-making for energy-related improvements primarily occurs nationally (29% vs.10% overall).

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More than half of the organizations surveyed employ fewer than 50 people.





Don't know / Not sure

100 or more

50 to 99

10 to 49

Q9 - How many people does your organization employ?


Organizations in the following industries were more likely to have 100+ employees: •  Chemicals and plastics •  Healthcare •  Transportation & logistics •  Education

Gain a sustainable advantage 22 22

Median square footage of facilities was 36k.







Don't know / Not sure

More than 100,000 square feet

50,001 to 100,000 square feet

10,001 to 50,000 square feet

2,501 to 10,000 square feet

Less than 2,500 square feet

Q15 - What is the square footage of space in this facility?


Gain a sustainable advantage 23 23

Fewer than one-third of organizations surveyed lease their facility.



Organization leases facility

Organization owns facility

Q16 - Does your organization own or lease this facility?


Companies in manufacturing, transportation and logistics, hotel, and education industries were somewhat more likely to own their facility, while those in the healthcare, real estate, wholesale distribution, and services sectors were somewhat more likely to lease.

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Respondent Characteristics

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More than half of those surveyed were primary decision makers for energy-related improvements.



You are an influencer for energy-related improvements.

You are a primary decision maker for energy-related improvements.

Q5 - Which of the following best describes you?


Not surprisingly, primary decision makers were more likely to be an owner, partner, president, CEO, or COO.

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3% 5% 5% 5%

2% 15%

4% 11%

2% 10%

4% 12%


Some other position Some other manager

Plant manager Construction or maintenance


Energy manager Facilities manager

Purchasing or procurement manager Director

Public administrator CFO, comptroller, VP of Finance, etc.

Chief Operations Officer President or CEO Owner or partner

Q6 - Which one of these best describes your position?


All respondents were either decision makers or influencers for energy-related improvements.

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More than three-quarters of those surveyed were male.

Male 76%

Female 24%

Q21 - Gender


While not statistically significant, there was a somewhat higher proportion of women acting as decision makers/influencers for energy-related improvements within the following industries:

•  Healthcare (27%)

•  Education (33%)

•  Restaurants (33%)

•  Services (31%)

•  Technology & Electronics (30%)

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Median age of respondents was 52 years.









65 years or more

55–64 years

45–54 years

35–44 years

25–34 years

18–24 years

Q22 - Would you please tell me your age?


While not statistically significant, respondents in the following industries were somewhat younger on average than those in other industries:

•  Healthcare •  Hotels •  Real estate •  Restaurants

Gain a sustainable advantage 29

Attitudes Toward Energy Efficiency

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Almost eight out of ten organizations surveyed consider energy usage important.





Neither important nor unimportant


Q10 - How important is energy consumption and conservation in your organization's daily business purchase choices and activities?


Respondents in organizations with more than one facility were more likely to consider energy consumption important than those with only one facility (83% vs. 73%).

In contrast, organizations in newer facilities (less than five years old) were more likely to consider energy consumption unimportant (38% vs. 5%).

While not statistically significant, respondents in the technology & electronics segment were more likely to consider energy consumption unimportant.

Gain a sustainable advantage 31 31

About two-thirds consider their facility efficient.





Don't know / Not sure


Neither efficient nor inefficient


Q11 - Overall, how would you rate the energy efficiency of your current facility(ies)?


Regionally, organizations in East TN (75%) and Middle TN (63%) were more likely to consider their facilities energy efficient than those in West TN (51%).

Organizations in facilities over 20 years old were more likely to consider their facilities inefficient than those in newer facilities (19% vs. 3%).

While not statistically significant, respondents in the technology & electronics segment were more likely to consider their facility inefficient (30% vs. 13% overall).

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Energy-Related Priorities

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Lighting and HVAC top the list of energy-related priorities.

4% 3%

6% 7% 8% 9% 9% 9% 10% 11% 13%

15% 19% 20%

24% 34%

37% 43%

56% 67%

Other energy-related priorities Small motors/conveyors

Solar Manufacturing furnaces

Co-generation equipment Fleet cars/trucks/buses

Refrigeration Reflective/cool roofing

Compressed air systems Data center power and cooling

Geothermal heating/cooling PC power management solutions

Building envelope upgrades Water heating

Energy management/system monitoring Lighting (exterior)

NET Energy/PC Power Management HVAC

Lighting (interior) NET Lighting (interior/exterior)

Q13 - What are your organization's top three energy-related priorities?


Respondents w/newer facilities (less than five years old) were more likely to select PC power management (63% vs. 15% overall).

Respondents who lease were more likely to select energy management systems than those who own (35% vs.19%).

Gain a sustainable advantage 34 34

While 11 of the 13 industries surveyed considered lighting a priority, more than half also listed HVAC as a top energy priority.

Industry Sector (n size) Most frequently mentioned energy-related priority

Real estate (8) Interior lighting (75%), exterior lighting (63%) Retail (30) Interior lighting (67%), exterior lighting (43%) Transportation and logistics (15) Interior lighting (60%), exterior lighting (40%) Chemicals and plastics (10) Interior lighting (60%), exterior lighting (40%) Wholesale distribution (20) Interior lighting (60%), exterior lighting (35%) Automotive (6) Interior lighting (50%), exterior lighting (50%) Healthcare (30) Interior lighting (60%), HVAC (53%) Restaurants (3) HVAC (100%), interior lighting (67%) Hotels and motels (7) HVAC (71%), interior lighting (43%) Private education (30) HVAC (70%), interior lighting (47%) Business services (26) HVAC (62%), interior lighting (58%) Technology and electronics (10) HVAC (50%)

Food manufacturing (5)

Cogeneration (40%), compressed air systems (40%), interior lighting (40%), manufacturing furnaces (40%), refrigeration (40%), water heating (40%)




Gain a sustainable advantage 35 35

Companies surveyed have completed an average of 3.3 of these improvements.











Added an energy management system or controls to make the facility more energy


Installed a more efficient water heating system

Installed more efficient appliances or refrigeration

Installed a more efficient mechanical and/or HVAC system

Installed more energy-efficient light fixtures, controls or occupancy sensors

Q18a - Which improvement(s) has your organization completed on your primary facility in the past five years? Q18b - Does your primary facility need any of these

improvements? Q18c - Does your organization plan to do this in the next 12 months?

Already completed Need to do


Measure with highest perceived need

Gain a sustainable advantage 36 36

Perceived need for insulation/sealing, cool roof and renewable generation is also high.









Added a renewable energy generation system

Installed a reflective / cool roof

Installed more efficient manufacturing equipment

Added insulation, air sealing or ductwork

Q18a - Which improvement(s) has your organization completed on your primary facility in the past five years? Q18b - Does your primary facility need any of these improvements? Q18c -

Does your organization plan to do this in the next 12 months?

Already completed Need to do


Gain a sustainable advantage 37 37

Insulation/air sealing tops the list of activities companies think they need to do and are most likely to do.










Install more efficient manufacturing equipment

Install more energy-efficient light fixtures, controls or occupancy sensors

Install more efficient appliances or refrigeration

Install a more efficient water heating system

Install a more efficient mechanical and/or HVAC system

Install a reflective / cool roof

Add a renewable energy generation system

Add insulation, air sealing or ductwork

Add an energy management system or controls to make the facility more energy efficient

Q18b - Does your primary facility need any of these improvements? Q18c - Does your organization plan to do this in the next 12 months?

Need to do











Plan to do

Most likely activity

Gain a sustainable advantage 38 38

Improvements by Sector: Lighting Fixtures/Controls

•  Overall, 76% of the industries surveyed have completed this improvement. Of the energy-related improvements measured, this one had the highest completion levels across the 13 industries surveyed, with the exception of the technology and electronics sector in which installation of a more efficient mechanical and/or HVAC system had the highest completion rate.

•  The business service industry also had a somewhat lower level of completion of this improvement compared to other industries (58% vs. 76% overall).

Gain a sustainable advantage 39 39

Improvements by Sector: Mechanical/HVAC System

•  Overall, 56% of the industries surveyed have completed this improvement in the past five years. While not statistically significant, there were lower completion rates for this improvement in the automotive industry (17%) and in the real estate industry (38%).

•  Several industries had above average completion rates:

–  Hotels (100%)

–  Transportation and logistics (80%)

–  Technology and electronics (80%)

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Improvements by Sector: Appliances/Refrigeration

•  Overall, 38% of the industries surveyed have completed this improvement in the past five years.

•  Several industries had above average completion rates for this type of improvement:

–  Food manufacturing (80%)

–  Real estate (75%)

–  Hotel (71%)

–  Restaurants (67%)

Gain a sustainable advantage 41 41

Improvements by Sector: Water Heating

•  Overall, 37% of the industries surveyed have completed this improvement in the past five years.

•  Two of the industries had below average completion rates for this improvement: wholesale distribution (5%) and technology and electronics (20%).

•  Both hotels (57%) and education (57%) industries had above average completion rates for this type of improvement.

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Improvements by Sector: Energy Management

•  Overall, 34% of the industries surveyed have completed this improvement in the past five years.

•  Respondents in the chemicals/plastics industry (70%), education industry (60%), and transportation industries (53%) reported above average completion rates for this type of improvement.

•  Industries with below average completion rates for this improvement included: retail (13%) and technology & electronics (10%).

•  Also, although we only spoke with 3 restaurants, none of them had completed this improvement.

Gain a sustainable advantage 43 43

Improvements by Sector: Insulation

•  Overall, 33% of the industries surveyed have completed this improvement in the past five years.

•  Hotels (71%), restaurants (67%), and food manufacturing (60%) were more likely to have completed this type of improvement.

•  Industries with below average completion rates for this improvement included: transportation & logistics (20%), retail (20%) and technology & electronics (20%).

•  Also, although we only spoke with 6 respondents in the automotive industry, none of them had completed this improvement.

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Spending less on energy and saving money are the top reasons cited for improvements.













To help offset future rate increases

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions

To satisfy customer or market expectations

Some other reason

To protect the environment and save natural resources

To accomplish a corporate objective or directive

To protect our nation's economy and reduce dependence on foreign oil

To make the facility more comfortable

To get more control over energy usage and costs

To reduce energy waste

To save money

To spend less on energy and more on other priorities

Q17 - What would be your one top reason for your organization to participate in energy-related improvements?


Facilities that were 20+ years old were less likely to select “save money” than were newer facilities (22% vs. 39%).

Regionally, organizations in West TN (42%) and Middle TN (31%) were more likely to select “save money” than those in East TN(19%).

The focus is on “other priorities”

Gain a sustainable advantage 46 46

Top drivers/motivators by industry: Focus on spending less and saving money

Industry Sector (n size) Most frequently mentioned Automotive (6) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (67%)

Real estate (8) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (50%)

Retail (30) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (47%)

Private education (30) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (40%)

Business services (26) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (42%)

Healthcare (30) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (43%)

Technology and electronics (10) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (40%)

Chemicals and plastics (10) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (30%), save money (30%)

Hotels and motels (7) Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (29%), save money (29%)

Food manufacturing (5) Save money (80%)

Restaurants (3) Save money (67%)

Transportation and logistics (15) Save money (47%)

Wholesale distribution (20) Save money (35%)

Spend less on energy/ more on other priorities

Save Money

Gain a sustainable advantage 47 47

Detail on Top Drivers/Motivators by Sector While not statistically significant:

•  Automotive industry respondents were even more likely to select “spend less on energy and more on other priorities” (67% vs. 39% overall).

•  Those in real estate were even more likely to say “spend less on energy and more on other priorities” (50% vs. 39% overall).

•  Hotel industry respondents were less likely to select “spend less on energy and more on other priorities” (29%) as were wholesale distributors (25%).

•  Food manufacturing (80%) and restaurants (67%) were much more likely to select “save money” than respondents overall (29%).

•  Transportation and logistics respondents were even more likely to say “save money” (47% vs. 29% overall).

•  Education (17%) and service (19%) industry respondents less likely to select “save money.”

Gain a sustainable advantage 48 48

Additional Drivers/Motivators by Industry Sector

• Automotive respondents were more likely to select “to reduce energy waste” (17% vs. 7% overall).

• Healthcare (17%) and hotel (14%) respondents were more likely to select “To get more control over energy usage and costs” than respondents overall (7%).

•  Food manufacturing respondents were more likely to select “To make the facility more comfortable during cold winter and hot summer months” (20% vs. 6% overall).

• Hotel respondents were more likely to select “To satisfy customer or market expectations” (29% vs. 2% overall).

Gain a sustainable advantage 49


Gain a sustainable advantage 50 50

Lack of funding and other priorities top the list of challenges/barriers.






Your organization isn't sure what to do to save more energy.

The payback period on energy-related improvements is too long.

Your organization believes it has done all the energy-related improvements possible.

Lack of time/too busy/other priorities

Lack of budget/funds

Q12 - What would you say are the key challenges or barriers your organization faces in making energy-related improvements?


Facilities that were under 50k square footage were more likely to say that they were uncertain what to do than larger facilities (30% vs. 8%).

Gain a sustainable advantage 51 51

Lesser challenges/barriers.






Some other reason

Not applicable/lease improvements not allowed or very unlikely

You don't plan to be in the facility very long.

Decision makers haven't considered it or don't believe it would really help much.

Implementing energy-related improvements is too complicated, inconvenient and/or too


Q12 - What would you say are the key challenges or barriers your organization faces in making energy-related improvements?


Influencers were more likely to say that implementing improvements is disruptive than were decision makers (23% vs. 12%).

Gain a sustainable advantage 52 52

Key barrier cited varied by industry, with lack of funds, payback period, and other priorities most frequently mentioned.

Industry Sector (n size) Most frequently mentioned

Restaurants (3) Lack of budget/funds (100%)

Private education (30) Lack of budget/funds (70%)

Business services (26) Lack of budget/funds (58%)

Healthcare (30) Lack of budget/funds (57%)

Transportation and logistics (15) Lack of budget/funds (47%)

Retail (30) Lack of budget/funds (47%)

Automotive (6) Lack of budget/funds (50%), payback period (50%)

Food manufacturing (5) Payback period (60%)

Chemicals and plastics (10) Payback period (50%)

Wholesale distribution (20) Lack of time/too busy/other priorities (65%)

Real estate (8) Lack of time/too busy/other priorities (63%)

Technology and electronics (10) Lack of time/too busy/other priorities (50%)

Hotels and motels (7) Decision makers (43%)




Gain a sustainable advantage 53

Reaction to Financing Options

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37% of TN organizations would be more likely to complete facility improvements if they were offered this program.





I don't know and am still undecided about improvement plans.

It does not impact my plans at all. I'm still unlikely to undertake improvements.

It makes me somewhat more likely to go ahead with improvements in the next 12 months.

It makes me very likely to go ahead with improvements this year.

Q19 - If there were a program that offered 5-year loans with a 2% interest rate for energy-related improvements and retrofit projects ranging from $20,000 to $5

million, how would this impact your plans for facility improvement? (n=200)


More realistic market estimate: Using half of those who are very likely and one fourth of those who are somewhat likely - 12%.

Gain a sustainable advantage 55 55

Over one-fourth of organizations would be more likely to install solar if this program was offered to them.





I don't know and am undecided about solar generation systems.

It does not impact my plans at all. I'm unlikely to install a solar generation system.

It makes me somewhat more likely to install a solar generation system in the next 12 months.

It makes me very likely to install a solar generation system this year.

Q20 - If there were a program that offered 10-year loans with a 5% interest rate for solar generation systems, how would this impact your plans for installing such a

system? (n=200)


More realistic market estimate: 9%.

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Sector Profiles

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Industry Sector Groupings

Due to relatively small sample sizes, sectors were grouped as follows for these industry profiles:

1.  Manufacturing and Distribution (56) - Automotive (6), Chemicals (10), Food (5), Transportation and logistics (15), Wholesale distribution (20)

2.  Hospitality and Shopping (40) - Hotels (7), Restaurants (3), Retail (30)

3.  Business Services (44) - Real estate (8), Business Services*(26), Technology^(10)

4.  Healthcare (30)

5.  Education (30)

Gain a sustainable advantage 58 58

Sector Prioritization •  Developed a scoring that considers:

–  # companies / with 10+ employees

–  % with multiple facilities / facilities with 50k+ sq. ft.

–  % owned vs. leased

–  Avg. number of completed and likely improvements

–  % perceived inefficient

–  % likely to act with financing

Gain a sustainable advantage 59 59

Sector Prioritization

Industry Sector Total Companies*

% w/10+ Employees*

% w/Facility 50K+ sq. ft.

% w/Multiple Facilities

% w/Facilities

20+ Yrs Old

% Owned Facility

% Perceived Inefficient

Avg. # Completed


Avg. # Likely Improvements

% Very Likely to Act w/



Manuf. & Dist. 29,542 29% 41% 45% 59% 79% 11% 3.4 0.59 20% 66

Private Education 6,959 41% 40% 40% 77% 80% 20% 4.3 0.50 13% 62

Hosp. & Shopping 57,476 29% 25% 38% 65% 73% 18% 3.0 0.42 10% 50

Business Services 37,084 15% 27% 34% 64% 64% 14% 3.1 0.39 5% 41

Healthcare 22,473 17% 23% 60% 50% 53% 3% 3.1 0.27 10% 39

Score based on rankings for each category, with additional weighting: Total companies (x3); 50k+ sq. ft. facilities (x3); Multiple facilities (x3); Owned facility (x2):

* Based on market data rather than survey data.

Gain a sustainable advantage 60 60

Sector Prioritization

Industry Sector Total Companies*

% w/10+ Employees*

% w/Facility 50K+sq. ft.

% w/Multiple Facilities

% w/Facilities

20+ Yrs Old % Owned


% Perceived Inefficient

Avg. # Completed

Improvements Avg. # Likely Improvements

% Very Likely to Act w/

Financing Score

Manufacturing & Distribution 9 4 15 12 2 8 2 4 5 5 66

Education 3 5

12 9 5 10 5 5 4 4 62

Hospitality & Shopping 15 4 6 6 4 6 4 1 3 3 52

Business Services 12 1 9 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 41

Healthcare 6 2 3 15 1 2 1 3 1 3 37

Rank Score weighed


Rank score weighted


Rank Score weighed

X3 Rank Score weighed X2

* Based on market data rather than survey data.

Gain a sustainable advantage 61 61

Messaging Effectively: Leveraging Motivators/Drivers to Address Challenges/Barriers by Industry

Industry Sector (n size)

Motivators/Drivers Challenges/Barriers Spend Less/

More on other

Priorities Save Money Lack of

Budget/Funds Payback Period Other

Retail (30) Private education (30) Business Services (26) Healthcare (30) Automotive (6) Chemicals and plastics (10) Food manufacturing (5) Restaurants (3) Transportation and logistics (15) Technology and electronics (10) Real estate (8) Hotels and motels (7) Wholesale distribution (20)

Gain a sustainable advantage 62 62

Manufacturing and Distribution (n=56) Facilities: Locations: 55% have one location; 34% have two to four locations

Age of facility: 59% are in a facility 20+ years old

Size of facility: medium to larger facilities (39% 10-50k sq. ft., 41% 50k+ sq. ft)

Ownership: 79% own the facility

Region: 45% in East TN, 30% in Middle TN, and 25% in West TN

Employees: Tend to be larger employers with 59% having more than 50 employees

Energy attitudes: 80% consider energy important and 70% consider their facility efficient

Key challenges/barriers: Lack of time/too busy/other priorities (41%), lack of budget/funds (36%)

Top energy-related priorities:

Interior lighting (57%), exterior lighting (38%), and energy/PC power management (34%)

Top motivator/driver: Save money (39%), spend less on energy/more on other priorities (30%)

Improvements: Already completed: 86% lighting, 54% mechanical/HVAC

Need to complete: 29% energy management, 27% reflective/cool roof

Plan to complete: 13% renewable energy, 11% insulation

Participation propensity: 43% likely to make facility improvements if loan program available;

29% likely to install solar if loan program available

Gain a sustainable advantage 63 63

Hospitality and Shopping (n=40) Facilities: Locations: 63% have one location; 23% have two to four locations

Age of facility: 65% are in a facility 20+ years old

Size of facility: smaller facilities (68% <50k sq. ft)

Ownership: 73% own the facility

Region: 48% in East TN, 35% in Middle TN, and 18% in West TN

Employees: Tend to be smaller employers with 73% having less than 50 employees

Energy attitudes: 70% consider energy important and 60% consider their facility efficient

Key challenges/barriers: Lack of budget/funds (48%), lack of time/too busy/other priorities (38%),

Top energy-related priorities:

Interior lighting (63%), exterior lighting (40%), and energy/PC power management (40%)

Top motivator/driver: Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (43%), save money (33%)

Improvements: Already completed: 73% lighting, 55% mechanical/HVAC

Need to complete: 38% energy management, 33% insulation

Plan to complete: 13% insulation, 8% HVAC, 8% lighting

Participation propensity: 40% likely to make facility improvements if loan program available;

35% likely to install solar if loan program available

Gain a sustainable advantage 64 64

Business Services (n=44) Facilities: Locations: 66% have one location; 25% have two to four locations

Age of facility: 64% are in a facility 20+ years old

Size of facility: smaller facilities (66% <50k sq. ft)

Ownership: 64% own the facility

Region: 41% in East TN, 36% in Middle TN, and 23% in West TN

Employees: Tend to be smaller employers with 71% having less than 50 employees

Energy attitudes: 68% consider energy important and 59% consider their facility efficient

Key challenges/barriers: Lack of budget/funds (52%), lack of time/too busy/other priorities (50%)

Top energy-related priorities:

HVAC (52%), interior lighting (50%), and energy/PC power management (43%)

Top motivator/driver: Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (43%)

Improvements: Already completed: 64% lighting, 50% mechanical/HVAC

Need to complete: 32% insulation, 30% energy management

Plan to complete: 14% insulation, 9% renewable energy

Participation propensity: 25% likely to make facility improvements if loan program available;

18% likely to install solar if loan program available

Gain a sustainable advantage 65 65

Healthcare (n=30) Facilities: Locations: 60% have more than one location, with 30% having 10+

Age of facility: 50% are in a facility 20+ years old

Size of facility: smaller facilities (70% <50k sq. ft)

Ownership: 53% own the facility

Region: 40% in Middle TN, 33% in East TN, and 27% in West TN

Employees: Tend to be larger employers with 57% having 100+ employees

Energy attitudes: 83% consider energy important and 70% consider their facility efficient

Key challenges/barriers: Lack of budget/funds (57%)

Top energy-related priorities:

Interior lighting (60%), HVAC (53%), and energy/PC power management (40%)

Top motivator/driver: Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (43%)

Improvements: Already completed: 63% lighting, 57% mechanical/HVAC

Need to complete: 37% energy management, 33% renewable energy

Plan to complete: 7% mechanical/HVAC, 7% lighting, and 7% insulation

Participation propensity: 37% likely to make facility improvements if loan program available;

20% likely to install solar if loan program available

Gain a sustainable advantage 66 66

Education (n=30) Facilities: Locations: 60% have one location; 23% have two to four locations

Age of facility: 78% are in a facility 20+ years old

Size of facility: medium to larger facilities (43% 10-50k sq. ft and 40% in 50sq. ft+ facility)

Ownership: 80% own the facility

Region: 53% in Middle TN, 27% in East TN, and 20% in West TN

Employees: Tend to be midsize to larger employers with 60% having 50+ employees

Energy attitudes: 87% consider energy important and 67% consider their facility efficient

Key challenges/ barriers: Lack of budget/funds (70%)

Top energy-related priorities:

IHVAC (70%) interior lighting (47%), exterior lighting (27%), building envelope upgrades (27%)

Top motivator/driver: Spend less on energy/more on other priorities (40%)

Improvements: Already completed: 90% lighting, 67% mechanical/HVAC, 60% energy management

Need to complete: 37% renewable energy, 37% reflective/cool roof

Plan to complete: 17% insulation, 13% reflective/cool roof

Participation propensity: 37% likely to make facility improvements if loan program available;

23% likely to install solar if loan program available

Gain a sustainable advantage 67


Gain a sustainable advantage 68 68

Prioritizing Targets: Region

•  Tennessee has experienced stronger economic growth in the Middle and Eastern regions in recent years. In general, facilities are newer there.

•  In addition, organizations in East TN (75%) and Middle TN (63%) were more likely to consider their facilities energy efficient than those in West TN (51%).


Regionally, the strongest opportunities for energy-related improvements are likely to be:

1) West, 2) Middle, then 3) East

Gain a sustainable advantage 69 69

Prioritizing Targets: Age of Facility

•  Organizations in newer facilities are generally more efficient. Older facilities (20+ years) offer greater opportunities for energy-related improvements.

RECOMMENDATIONS: •  For newer facilities, focus on energy

management and PC power management solutions.

•  Older facilities offer opportunities for a broader range of energy-related improvements.

Gain a sustainable advantage 70 70

Prioritizing Targets: Industry Sector


1.  Manufacturing & Distribution

2.  Education

3.  Hospitality* & Shopping

4.  Business Services

5.  Healthcare

*Prioritize locally-owned independent or franchised hotels with local decision-making power.

Gain a sustainable advantage 71 71

Moving TN Organizations Down the Path

The easiest path to encourage improvements should start with/parallel industry priorities:

•  Energy-related priorities

–  11 of the 13 industries surveyed consider lighting a top priority for their company.

–  7 of the 13 consider HVAC a top priority.

•  Facility improvements

–  76% have already improved the lighting while 56% have improved the HVAC.

Gain a sustainable advantage 72 72

Moving TN Organizations Down the Path


For companies new to energy improvements, emphasize most common first steps (already perceived needs): lighting and HVAC.

For those who are further along the path and have already integrated these improvements, focus on “gaps” that companies recognized as needing to improve: energy management (32%), insulation (29%)

Gain a sustainable advantage 73 73

Packaging/Bundling Opportunity

•  While more than one-third of the organizations surveyed considered energy/PC management as a top priority and 32% recognize a need to do this improvement, only 3% plan to make this improvement.


•  Consider packaging or bundling funding for energy/PC power management improvements with lighting, HVAC and insulation projects to speed adoption of these systems which will increase behavior change and compound impact.

•  Track Impact. Demonstrate the effectiveness of bundling these systems with improvements with stats on increased savings/higher ROI and shorter payback period.

Gain a sustainable advantage 74 74

Encourage interest in renewable energy 29% say they think they need a renewable generation system and it’s a higher priority initiative (7% likely) than many others.

26% said they would likely undertake a renewable energy project with financing, as described.


Prioritize solar and other renewable energy project messaging and include information on state tax incentives for renewable energy systems.

Gain a sustainable advantage 75

Questions? Thank you!

Lee Ann Head, VP Research

