The Journey of a TSB Funding Applicant – Hyperlocal media with FollowThePlace


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The Journey of a TSB Funding ApplicantHyperlocal media with FollowThePlace

Finding the right call

Understanding and referring to the

competition scope and briefing

document are essential!

Do I need partners?

If so, involve them early on.

Don’t have too many partners.

Register your interest and prepare the necessary


Address as many points from the scope and

briefing document as possible.

Make clear why you need funding and cannot undertake the work without the help of


Feasibility Study

Make sure to explain how you further benefit from the outcomes.

> Commercialisation

You have been successful!

Conditional offer letter

Workshop to meet other funded projects

Workshop Swindon

Preparation of final documents

Hyperlocal media with

Platform for creating enhanced hyper-local services employing

multimedia content.

Sharing is simply done  by e-mailing pictures to

Registered users can follow specific places or users they like and get updates of the latest

uploaded photos.

Easily geotag pictures on the site. If your picture is the first one for a new to the location, it becomes the place badge!

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Get in touch!
