the art of visioning



a presentation on how to visualize - crafting a vision

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“vision of seeing things


is the art

- jonathan swift

- gifford pinchot

“a vision is not a vision unless it says yes to some ideas and no to others, inspires people and is a reason to get out of bed in the morning and come to work.”

“vision looks inward and becomes looks outward

and becomes looks upward and becomes faith.”

- stephen s. wise

“a vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an

appeal to our better self, a call to become something


- rosabeth moss kanter

vision...its essence!

“the world of tomorrow belongs to the person

who has the vision today.”

- robert schuller

“mental anticipation now pulls the future into the present and reverses the direction

of causality.”- erich jantsch

“when you have vision it affects your

attitude. your attitude is optimistic rather than pessimistic.”

- charles r. swindoll

“no man that does not see visions will ever

realize any high hope or undertake any high

enterprise.”- woodrow wilson


“dream lofty dreams,and as you dream,

so shall you become.”- james allen

“our visions begin with our desires.”

- audre lord

“keep your dreams alive. understand that to achieve

anything requires faith and belief in yourself.”

- gail devers

“destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter

of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

- jeremy kitson

“talk doesn’t cook rice.”

- chinese proverb

Hilary Richard Sam

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