TED Talk Evaluation Slide Show By: Rachel Garcia




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Ted Talks

The Myth Of The Gay Agenda By: Rachel Garcia

The speaker that I choose was LZ Granderson and the thesis of his speech is to get the audience to understand that we need Gay Marriage equality.

LZ Granderson captured the attention of the audience in his introduction by starting with a positive attitude with a smile and a nice greetable body language this way making the audience comfortable, by communicating and getting his word acrossed in a calm, peaceful, and enjoyable way and by this way having everyone have an open mind to what he would be talking about.

LZ Granderson maintained the engagement of the audience throughout his speech by using power points and slide shows and this way he kept his audienceentertained and interested in what he had tosay.

I think that the best TED commandment LZ Granderson follows is commandment #4, which is “Connecting with peoples emotions” I feel like he really connected with the audience because he kept them laughing and entertain and that way he made sure that they were listening to the important message he was getting acrossed. I think that he did a great job. One thing that I think he could of done different to increase his dynamism was to use more media and information about his topic, but other then that I think it was a great TED talk.

The tips that were used in this TED talk from Garr Reynolds and Nancy Duarte were to make sure that the text had good contrast and was clearly seen. And also the principle of having a good size simple image with as less text as possible.

After watching my presenter I have learned that it’s very important to have a positive attitude in order to get my point acrossed in a peaceful and understanding way. And also that having sources you can refer to such as notes, images, power points and many more in order to show and explain things to our audience in a better more professional way is a very big part of our presentation.

I think that LZ Granderson and Sir Ken Robinson have a lot in common in they’re videos by the way they keep the audiences attention in what they have to say and what they are talking about. And also by the way they use the media, and power points and such to give the audience a better understanding of they’re topic. But at the same time they are both very different in they’re use of words and the way they come across to an audience. They both have they’re own original individuality in the way they do they’re TED videos. They’re both very unique.

I recommend my classmates to pick a topic that they love and they are passionate about because it makes the assignment a lot more fun and easier to do. Also to find ways to speak to the audience in a way that they’ll listen and understand. I also recommend to use resources like images, notes, media etc. And just to have fun with the assignment enjoy it and do the best you possibly can.

Resources http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7Ap4Db15USA/Th73nmnsQDI/AAAAAAAAAGs/ecewT4kTCys/s1600/__Ga +flag+flying.jpg http://www.ted.com/talks/lz_granderson_the_myth_of_the_gay_agenda.html http://i.ytimg.com/vi/iOByGJskqks/0.jpg http://objects.sonicbids.com/image/2/108/image_3722108_highres.jpg?save=LZ%20Granderson%20a %20TEDx.2.jpg http://www.hannysvoorwerp.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/60_AF22429.jpg http://media.nowpublic.net/images//02/8/0284a56853e4d681297539461da8fbee.jpg

TED Talk


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