Technical evaluation question


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Danielle Ferrier

The main use of technology throughout this project

would be that the majority of the work is completed on a

MacBook Pro. In the previous year we had used the

MacBook Computers so it was slightly different having to

edit our work using a laptop. The MacBook Pro had all

the same programs such as Premiere Pro, which I was

familiar with due to the previous media projects. However

the way in which we had to handle our footage was

slightly different, we had to use VLC which is an open

source media player to view our clips and rename them,

this was to narrow the chances of any further issues with

our footage.

When researching for the idea of my documentary

technology was used such as the Internet and other

documentaries. After watching Nick Broomfield’s ‘The

selling of a serial killer’ and Andrew Jarecki’s ‘Capturing

the Friedman’s’ they gave me a lot of ideas for creating

my own documentary. The video diary effect within

‘Capturing the Friedman’s’ was highly influential to me

and can be seen within my documentary. The Internet had

helped with research on other areas such as which

institution my documentary would most likely be shown in

or other documentaries that followed the same type of


For the filming I used a Panasonic camcorder, although

the technology of this model is more advanced and

improved than our old cameras it wasn’t too difficult to

realize how it had to be used. I checked reviews based on

the camcorder I was using to see whether there were any

comments on how it picked up sound, the reasoning for

this was that I didn’t want to use an actual sound recorder

to be less intrusive when interviewing people. However

the camera was perfectly fine at picking up sound which

wasn’t really much difference to the Zoom Sound


During this project I have also used a lot more media

within my blog such as integrating YouTube clips, pictures

and pie charts. Except from using clips from YouTube I

created my own account on Vimeo, this allows you to

upload clips, which you can then use the URL for so that it

appears on your blog. The only time I used this is when I

created a sub clip from my footage, which was my own

opinion on my documentary so I wanted to transfer it onto

my blog. For uploading images onto my blog I also used

Imgur, this is also a website which allows you to edit

images and change the size dimensions, yet again you use

the URL given to you in order for it to show up on your


I’ve also recently used Voki which is a cartoon video that allows

you to type and a virtual character will speak what you have

typed, I felt this would be a less boring way of presenting shorter

posts. SlideShare Is another website I’ve used in order to present

my evaluation questions within my blog. I didn’t have many issues

when it came to editing the footage as I feel I already had quite a

bit of knowledge on this particular aspect. However I did learn a

new way in which you can cut clips which is by using Markers.

Simply whilst watching of the recorded clips you click the ‘Mark

In’ button on where you would like the beginning to be and ‘Mark

Out’ at the end. Then like a normal clip you drag it into the video

section and carry on editing as normal.