Talk is Cheap



FILM 315 Digital Media Theory presentation. How texting is surpassing phone calls as a means of communication.

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talk is cheap avalon mclean-smits

image: jakub krechowicz, stockvault

communication via text message is going up, while calling on a phone is going

image: digi on stock.xchng image: Clueless (1995)

d ow n


why ? because...

and they i nt e rrup t people,

phone calls are


image: Suvi Korhonen, flickr

texting is efficient and brief,

image: nicolasnova, flickr

and texting allows for discretion and privacy.

image: Rob Pongsajapan, flickr

people go to class, they travel on the subway, they drive in their car, they go to work, they have meetings, they’re with friends, they’re in the library, etc ...

there really isn’t a good time to call someone.

image: taki, flickrimage: Voka Kamer van Koophandel Limburg, Flickr

unless it’s an emergency,a phone call feels like an intrusion.Katie Couric,

Why people call, if they call...

image: siewlian, stock.xchng

people call their parents or family to catch up or give location updates;

image: Calvin,

to get a hold of someone


image: Neal., flickr

or, if takes too long to discuss something in their text message.

image: zoutedrop, flickr

is this why is gaining popularity? it is planned during a portion of your day, the call isn’t an interruption, it is usually private, you want to talk to the person, etc...

“A study by Nielsen found we talked on cell phones 188 minutes a month on average this year. But that's down 25 percent from 2007.” Katie Couric,

image: UggBoy♥UggGirl, flickr

“Two-thirds of the teens surveyed said they are more likely to type out a text to their friends than to call, whereas 78 percent said they are more likely to engage their vocal chords when communicating with their parents.” Adam Hadhazy,

image: AndrewElck, flickr

getting a phone used to be “a rite of passage”. now kids in

kindergarten get phones and we don’t stay up talking to our friends for two

hours, we stay up texting for two hourspamela paul, New York Times

image: Caitlin Doe, flickr

image: Mr. Lujan, flickr

“2.5 billion text messages are sent

each day in the USA” Nicole,

“Most of the text messaging is

being done in the 13-17 age range.

The next most popular age range

is 18-24. The number of text

messages decrease with

age” Nicole,

image: screenshot of “the Rise of Text Messaging” by @shanesnow, Mashable

“The report also shows that girls text a lot more than

guys, sending and receiving about 80 total texts per

day compared to teen boys' daily log of about 30 messages” Adam Hadzay,

image: CarbonNYC, flickr

do girls have a need to connect more on a regular basis?

“The average teenager now sends and receives an

unbelievable 3,300  texts a month - more

than a hundred every day!” Katie Couric,

image: emdot, flickr

but text messaging is not just for friends...

image: ms. phoenix, flickr

“One girl got fired over a text message, and since she didn’t have text messaging, she paid 40 cents to get fired.” Nicole,

image: digi, stock.xchng

wouldn’t you rather a phone call? or, face-to-face?

most business relations have switched from phone to email and texting, but firing is going too far.

image: Scarleth White, flickr

how much do you text?do you prefer to text vs talk?how have you evolved from phone to message?What are the limits of texting? What is appropriate?Think about it.
